Chapter 14

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"Let's buy you some clothes," I said walking towards the shopping mall. The air was cold and I was only wearing a t-shirt. I looked behind me and she walked faster to catch me up, her hair blew in the wind and she looked up at me, however, I looked fast away from her. I didn't like those innocent eyes of her's looking at me, mostly because it felt like she looked through my soul. I walked in between the automatic doors and looked down at the floor. I have to be careful today, I guess she's missing and all.

My gaze followed her when she looked at some underwear in a shop.

Seriously? Underwear?

"Let's find you some clothes first." I murmured and pushed my hands into my pockets, she raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. She pointed at the shop.

"Underwear is clothes. Mr Styles." She said serious, I huffed at my "name" and looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Sure it is.." I thought.

"I know, but I like you better without underwear," I answered, and she widened her eyes in shock. I raised an eyebrow back at her. "I imagine you without it actually, and since I am the boss here you will go without it unless I say otherwise," I said through clenched teeth. She looked up at me with an unreadable expression on her face, for a second I wanted to know what she was thinking. However, she was probably irritated by the way she suddenly rolled her eyes.

I widened my eyes and clenched my fists by my sides. I stepped closer to her and pointed my finger at her. "Do not roll your eyes, or no underwear." I snapped and she blinked but nodded.

I huffed and looked away from her, trying to find a suiting store. I looked at a store called Forever 21. Seems like a girl store if you ask me, I don't know if I like this shit, but I'll figure it out.

"We go in there," I commanded and walked towards the store, and looked at her. Caitlyn just shook her head and pointed behind her at Primark, and I raised an eyebrow again.

"Later, we take Forever 21 first," I said harder and walked towards her and grabbed her hand, and dragged her after me.

"No, Harry. Do you know how expensive it is?" She gasped and I walked towards a res jacket on a hanger outside the shop. I looked at the price and scoffed as I looked at her.

"It's just 50 pounds. Not a big deal." I said, and she sighed in annoyance. She walked fast towards me and grabbed the jacket I was holding in my hands.

"No fucking way, Harry." She said harshly, and I grabbed the jacket back and looked at the size, it'll fit her. I turned around and walked further into the store and she followed me.

"You're not buying that thing to me, you understand? It's expensive!" She snapped at me, and I ignored her, walking longer into the store and found a cute dress, a red one with glitter around the waist. It looks sexy, it could fit her for one of the days I was bored and needed a show. She eyed the dress suspiciously, her tiny legs slowly stepping closer to me. "I don't usually use dresses." She told me. I remembered the day I took her and smirked.

"Liar, on the party you did." I told her. She huffed and looked away from me.

"I had no choice, the girls I went with made me!" She said in a sour tone. I just smiled mischievously at her and took it anyway. She would look amazing in it, I mean did she even know how her curves looked in those dresses? This dress was even more sexier than the one she wore to the party, so maybe I could get quite the show at home. Perhaps she would actually like seducing me when she got in the spirit.

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