Chapter 29

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"So what do the ladies want?" Louis asked as he walked in behind us. I looked at Caroline and she pointed on the menu and smiled for herself. "I'll take a warm hot chocolate, thank you." She answered and looked up at the boys.

Harry walked in behind me and grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind. I looked down at my feet smiling, this is a really good feeling. Feeling his warmth against my back and his hands on my hips. It felt so normal and welcoming.

"What do my girl want?" He asked in my ear. I opened my mouth and pointed at the chocolate frappé. He smiled against my skin and squeezed my hip, before he pulled back and walked towards the counter.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" He asked while smiling to the lady behind the counter. "I'd like to have two chocolate frappé and two hot chocolate please." He ordered. He took out his card from his wallet and I immediately sighed. I pursed my lips and sighed, I would like to buy it for myself. However, he was sure a gentleman.

"Hey, I don't want hot chocolate. I said Cappuccino!" Louis cried and sighed before sitting down, I could see a smirk on Harry's face that only I could see and I knew he did that on purpose.

"Cheeky ass." I murmured under my breath before I slid down into the couch and put my arms on the table looking at Louis. He looked at Harry and rolled his eyes and leaned over the table looking at me.

"You know, your boyfriend. He's a complete ass.." Louis growled and leaned back in his chair looking at Harry and back at me raising his eyebrow. "How do you stand him?" He whispered and looked at me, I shrugged and looked at Harry.

He was standing there on his phone. Waiting for his name to be called. He pulled his hand slowly through his hair,  and looked up from his phone looking directly into my eyes. I gave him a small smile and he bit his bottom lip and looked away with a small smile too.

I gave my attention to Louis again and smiled weakly to him. "He's different. Well, he's nice to me and stuff. And that's what matters right?" I asked him, playing with my nails. He looked at me and smiled weakly, he nodded his head and Caroline sat down next to me.

"So what are you guys talking about?" She asked, looking around the place. Maybe looking for people who looked familiar. I don't know..

"We talked about how good the tea is here. Maybe we could try it sometime?" Louis lied and looked at me with a wink. I licked my lips and looked at Harry who now came back, he gave us our drinks and looked at Caroline with a death glare. He then looked at me before sitting as far as possible away from Louis he could. Louis looked at Harry with a arched eyebrow and just shook his head and took a sip from his hot chocolade.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Harry asked, looking back and forth between us. "Tea." We all said at the same time, and Caroline start laughing and looked at Harry with a wide smile, but he just rolled his eyes and leaned back in the couch.

"Interesting." He said sarcastically, and looked between all of us but he couldn't help the smile when he looked at me. I blushed and looked down at my hands, he tapped his fingers three times on the table while looking intensive at me. I looked up at him and he did it again three times, it was like he told me something. I don't know..

"Stressed or something Harmon?" Louis asked and he first didn't react on the name but he looked at him some seconds later and raised an eyebrow.

"No, just bored that's all." He murmured and I couldn't say that it actually hit me straight in my face. I mean I was the one who wanted to go here, and maybe have a friendtalk with my "friends".

Very strange friends. It just hit me now that Harry isn't this type of a boy, he's never in public because of what he did. I've also learned he's never outside unless he need food or some money to spend on someone, like me.

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