Chapter 9

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Ever heard of a torture rack? If not, it's a sort of wooden frame, you have rollers on the top and the bottom, and they put your body on it and ties your arms and legs and they start to stretch your body. And if they stretch more enough you'll hear bone-crushing and you must live with the injuries. Sounds awful, right? Well, since I've been laying here in 5 hours straight now, soon six. My body is all arching, and sweat is all over my body. I think Harry did this on purpose, he wanted me to be in pain. At first it didn't hurt that much, but after a while, it turned painful and it hurts so badly now.

I hated Harry for doing this to me. I only answered him back. And clearly, he doesn't like that. However, if he thinks this will keep my mouth shut, he's so fucking wrong. It doesn't help to fucking torture me or almost torture me. And he said five hours, he's been away almost six now. I bit my bottom lip and looked at the ceiling with tearful eyes.

"HARRY!" I yelled painfully and whimpered when I used my voice. I looked towards the door, but no Harry. "I fucking hate you." I cried and clenched my eyes shut.

I could hear some steps up the stairs and I swear I've never felt my heart beat so fast in my whole life. In a way, I was disappointed when I saw Lianne. I wanted to scream and kill Harry. But she seemed to be freaking out. She almost ran towards me, she knotted up the ropes and looked at me with worried eyes, when she saw the sweat on my body.

"Why did he do this?" Lianne whispered. I looked at her and was going to answer, but she shushed me and ran towards the bathroom and came back seconds later with a little bowl and a cloth. She grabbed the cloth and placed it on my forehead, it was drenched in ice cold water. She placed it in my neck, forehead and shoulders. It sent shivers throughout my body, and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey, you're okay? You're very hot." She whispered and looked at me.

I couldn't help but chuckle low at her. «I feel like shit,» I admit.  «He left me tied in ropes in 6 hours when he told me 5. It was so damn painful.» I whispered and sighed. She nodded and helped me up. We walked towards the bathroom, well she held me up to make sure I stood straight and didn't fall. She mentioned me to sit down at the toilet, and so I did. I looked at her as she started the bath.

"Maybe you'll relax a little if you take a bath." She said with a smile. I looked at her with a warm smile and said a weak thank you. She smiled back at me and poured some bath salt in the tub.

"Lianne?" I asked her suddenly. She didn't turn, but kept adding some soap into the tub and grabbed a towel. "Why are you so nice? Why isn't Harry nice to me, but to you?" I asked her low. She suddenly stopped and turned around. She gave me a weak smile, and sat down on the floor and bit her lip in thought.

"I guess I am the nice type of person." She said and looked up at me. "I dislike what Harry is doing to you, but I have a job here. And I need the money." She said and looked at the door to see if anyone listened to our conversation.

"Why do you need the money?" I asked her. She smiled sadly at me and ran a hand through her hair. I bit my lip hard, I sounded very curious about this. It was rude to just ask that straight. "I'm sorry, I'm just curious that's all," I said with a weak smile.

She sighed and looked at my face. "I actually have a daughter. Her father ran away when I got pregnant with her. He took all the money I had saved for us. I am all alone with her." She said and furrowed her eyebrows. She seemed sad about it. She was a good mother to be honest if she risked this for her child. I mean if Harry hurt me, he can hurt her as well. "I need the money for food, bills and to pay for her school when she grows older." She said and looked at me with shame. I looked at her with pity. I shakily stretched my hand to touch her shoulder. She looked so small now like she needed someone.

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