Chapter 30

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Harry's p.o.v

I swear and with my life. That I wanted his head chopped off.  I wanted to crush the mirror and take a piece and shove it up his ass. Perhaps to cut his penis off, he didn't need it. At the same time it feels so tempting. I looked at his beaten up face, blood was dripping from his mouth, it was probably filled with it. I couldn't help to smile like a maniac when I saw his state. He did seriously deserve that. I heard that Caroline took Caitlyn out of here, the sound of the door closing ringing in my ears. I didn't want to go now, I wanted to show this boy who I really was and why he shouldn't have done that. Because no one messes with my girl.

I know I had to stay low, have a low profile. However, a little blood spilling couldn't hurt, right? Not when someone does this to a girl, and my girl to add it all up.

The boy laughed, his hair falling in front of his face. It was wavy,"You look familiar." The boy said as he was standing up against the wall, he looked at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"I'm popular I guess." I said sarcastically and walked towards him and punched him right on the nose. Damn it felt good. I finally had a reason to do this.

"What the fuck man. I've got my lesson now haven't I?" He shouted and looked up at me and sighed. I took deep steady breaths to try and calm down, my mind wandered to how scared Caitlyn seemed when I broke down the door. And it all went black in my head, blocking the colours from my vision. I swear the man in front of me, only saw blood in my vision.

"You're really young you know." I stated With a growl and punched the Mirror, the glasses falling to the floor, breaking into even smaller pieces. I bent down and found the biggest piece, eyeing it. found a big broken piece and sat down where he was sitting now. His eyes on me, he didn't look afraid just confused.

I held the piece in my hand and didn't even feel the pain from the cuts on my knuckles. My lips turned into a big psychotic smirk and I looked at his hair and cut some of it off.

"Hmm, it's sharp." I said looking towards the door, no one was looking. So I stabbed the broken piece into his thigh and he screamed high as fuck. And looked at me with glossy eyes.

"Hope you learned your lesson." I smirked and stood up. I looked around on the bathroom and I swear I wanted to burn the whole shit to the ground. But I held that tempting idea to myself and walked towards the door and turned to look at him, he was bleeding and looked tired.

"You seriously need some shit for that." I said and pointed my head to his now wounded thigh with a big piece of mirror in it. He growled and spitted next to his body and looked at me.

"You're sick, a psychopath. You need help!" He snapped and I just arched a eyebrow and laughed at his comment. "Not like I've never heard that before." I said and walked out with blood on my knuckles. I walked past people who was standing and looking at what just happened, this wasn't the place for me right now. But I just needed to find Caitlyn and take her home, even I wanted to be with her I now knew she wanted to be alone.

"Gemma." I heard someone say and I raised an eyebrow and walked towards Louis, because I saw him. He was hugging her tight with a confused look on his face, he looked down at her and she was now sleeping I think. I walked fast towards them and looked at him, or I gave him a death glare before taking her away from him.

He thought he could make her fall for him, in this situation? I was saving her right now. Is me she should've ran to, my arms are made for her. Not his, I looked at her and lifted her up in my arms and looked down at her before I walked past all the persons here. I walked back to school, and she wasn't heavy at all. And I didn't even care if her friends was left there with all the drama.

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