Chapter 21

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Harry's P.o.v

He could look at her like nothing had changed, but he couldn't care less about what people thought about him. If someone was going to take something from him, he wanted to be there and protect her. Looking after her, even if she didn't want that from him. She was like his sharp pieces of glass going straight through him, and she was the light to guide him through the dangerous dark. She was both his life and death and didn't want to think about something else than a life with her.

But I.. I was here because I loved her, and I will love her even what I tell her. I'm just afraid I guess, of what I don't know. Maybe losing that little girl, it's like she's my baby and I would do anything to make her safe.

What the fuck, when did I start to think about babies? I hate them! Fuck!

I knocked on the door of my family's house, and I didn't have a clue why I was here. Okay, that is a total lie. I'm here because she was here.

I stood there looking like a fucking disaster, cause fuck I haven't slept in two days and she's the reason why. I regret driving her home, I regret going to the damn mall with her, I regret kissing her, I regret everything I've done. Even kidnapping her.

Why couldn't I've just left her alone in the first place?

From the look on my mum's fucking face when I knocked at that fucking door, it was a shock that I was here. She wasn't able to talk when she looked at me, she didn't think I would come.

Well, fuck. Me neither.

I didn't really think I was driving my ass up here, but she's the reason why I'm coming. And that's the only reason why I'm here, no other reason.

I'm not here to meet my fucked up family, they all are fucked up. Even my sister is fucked up, my whole world is fucked up. Everything about me is fucked up. I am fucked up.

I hope everyone gets the point.

If someone else tells me I'm not fucked up, then something is wrong with their fucked up brain.

I took a look on my mother's face and if she wasn't going to talk, I was.

"Are you letting me in or do you want me to stand out here in the fucking rain?" I growled low and she widened her eyes looking at me, she stepped away from the door so I could walk inside. I don't know why I'm talking so damn low, maybe I'm nervous?

Fuck, why would I get nervous?

And fuck, why is everything about fucking, fuck, fucked today? Not like I give a fucking damn.

I took a deep breath to calm down.

"Just come in love. It's more food at the table for you too." She said with a calm tone, it was like this damn woman thought that everything was ok between us when I arrived at this fucking door.

Well, think what you want a woman.

I brought the lip between my teeth as I walked inside, I didn't care to take my shoes off but I took my jacket off and held it over my arm as I walked inside.

It was quiet, but I could hear breathing in the eating room outside the kitchen. If they thought that I was deaf, well maybe they should be born again.

I walked into the eating room and all their eyes were on me, I felt awkward when they looked at me. It was like my body was covered in blood or something, they looked at me like they haven't met me before, except Caitlyn.

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