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Kinda short chapter, but I'm gonna try and update again tomorrow or Saturday :)


I wake up to someone slightly shaking my shoulder. I groan and shift while opening my eyes to see Dinah sitting on the coffee table in front of me with a mug of something.

"I brought you some coffee to help you wake up" She smiles. I sit up and rub my eyes before grabbing the mug from her.

"Thank you" I say taking a sip. She hums and nods while continuing to stare at me. I roll my eyes. "What?" I ask.

"Well you're sleeping on the couch" She points out. I look down and I nod. "How come?" She asks.

"I guess I just fell asleep here last night" I shrug taking a sip of the warm drink in my hand.

"I don't believe you" She states. I chuckle.

"It's funny how you think I care if you do" I stand up off the couch and walk away from her and into the kitchen where Lauren, Zendaya, Kehlani, and Ally are in there making breakfast.

"Goooood morning Mani!" Lauren sings. I laugh.

"Good Morning Lo" I walk over to Ally who's making pancakes and I jump up on the counter next to her. "What's got her in a good mood?" Ally glances at her and continues mixing her pancake batter.

"I think Zen gave her morning head" She says pouring into the pan. I hum and nod. That would make a lot of sense. I glance over at Lani who's making mimosas and she looks up at me and winks. I playfully roll my eyes and turn to Zendaya.

"So, what's the plan today?" I ask.

"Well we have mandatory senior bonding on the beach with our senior class and the teachers, then we have the rest of our day to ourselves" Zen smiles.

"Yeah, so we're thinking of inviting some seniors over and have a little get together slash party" Lauren says.

"Sounds like fun" Ryan says entering the kitchen. I roll my eyes and jump off the counter.

"And that's my cue" I walk by Lani grabbing a mimosa and leaving the kitchen. I see Alessia laying in one of the lawn chairs by the pool and I open the sliding door, shut it behind me, and lay in the chair next to Alessia. I place my glass next to me on the ground and lay my head back and close my eyes getting comfortable.

"Mani?" Alessia says. I hum keeping my eyes shut. "You know I love you right? And when I tell you things, my heart is in the right place?"

"Yes Les, of course" I say. God, this sun feels good.

"Well I think you need to go to therapy or at least talk to someone" Bitch, what? I sit up and look at Alessia who's laid back but looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I furrow my eyebrows at me. "Who are you to tell me that?"

"Mani, you are horrible at expressing your feelings and honestly, you just love to self sabotage and make rash decisions based on pure emotions!" She argues. I scoff.

"You're just saying that, you have no proof I do that!" I state.

"Really?" She sits up and faces me. "So you and Lani didn't make out yesterday upstairs?" My eyes go wide. "I went to use the bathroom upstairs and heard you" Not everything though...

"I- I-"

"And let me guess. You saw or heard something you didn't like or want to know?" She asks. I bite my lip and look down. "See, rash decisions. Rash decisions of you getting with your ex's best friend, the ex I know you still have feelings for"

"I didn't come out here to be lectured by you" I glare.

"Yeah, well Andrea won't do it so I have to" Alessia sighs. "You can't keep doing this Mani"

"I can't have this conversation with you right now" I get up and walk back in the house. I walk straight into my bedroom and hear the shower running from the bathroom. I climb into my side of the bed and pull the covers over my head.

Alessia doesn't know what she's talking about. I don't self sabotage, I just need to get revenge right away... I don't see how that's a bad thing. I mean, I'm just protecting myself because if I don't who will? I groan.

"Why is everything so damn complicated" I mumble.

"I ask that question everyday" I hear Dinah. I pull down the covers to see her standing in a towel with her wet hair down and water dripping down her legs. Damn, she looks really good. "I don't mind the staring Princess, but I can open the towel if you'd like" She smirks. I roll my eyes and throw the covers back over my head.

"You'd like that wouldn't you" I hear Dinah laugh.

"Maybe just a little, yeah" I'm happy the covers are over my face because I can't help the small smile that forms on my face.

"Can you hurry up and change so I can pull the covers down?" I state.

"It's not like you haven't seen it before Princess" She chuckles.

"Technically just the bottom half" I say matter of factly.

"Well I mean we can always change that" I playfully roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Hurry up" I hear shuffling and moving around.

"I'm done" She says. I pull down the covers to see Dinah in black loose boxers and a sweatshirt while her hair is wrapped up in a towel. "So why aren't you out there with everyone else?" Dinah takes a seat at the desk in the room and starts apply her skin care routine.

"I guess I'm just not in the mood to be out there with them right now" I shrug sitting against the headboard.

"So I was the second choice? That kinda rude Mani" Dinah smirks.

"I didn't even know you were in here" I chuckle.

"Damn, so you weren't even thinking of me?! Fucking treason" Dinah jokes. I let out a small laugh.

"I know right. It's crazy how you're not on my mind alllllll the time" I say sarcastically.

"At this point, it's kinda disrespectful" She laughs.

"Well my deepest apologies Ms. Hansen, won't happen again"

"It better not, I expect better from you" I playfully roll my eyes. Dinah lets down her hair and begins brushing it out. "So how's my baby boy Aspen? Does he miss me?"

"He's been good. I actually wanted to bring him on this trip but he had some vet visits scheduled already" I smile.

"Yeah, next time I see him I need to bring him a big ass bone for my absence" Dinah chuckles. I let out a small laugh. She places down her brush and turns to face me. "You know, I miss talking to you like this Mani" She smiles.

"Me too..." We both sit in silence staring at each other. I clear my throat and look away. "You should probably get ready for class bonding" She raises an eyebrow.

"You're not coming?" I shake my head.

"I'm not feeling up for it. Can you just tell them I'm not feeling well?" I ask. Dinah nods.

"Of course Princess" She smiles. She slides on some sweatpants and walks over to the door. "I'll tell you how it goes"

"Thanks" Dinah nods and leaves the room. I sigh and throw the covers back over my face.

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