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So I'm currently on my date with Charles and it's been going great so far. He's taken me to this very expensive restaurant and your girl is definitely not complaining.

"You look very beautiful tonight Normani. I mean you look beautiful and stunning everyday but tonight is like.... wow" He says smiling at me. I thank the lord for my skin tone because if not, my cheeks would definitely be tinted red.

I do look hella hot though tonight if I must admit. I decided to wear a tight mid thigh length black dress so show off my figure and straighten my hair. Always gotta be read to snatch the wigs off of any bystanders.

"Well thank you Charles. You don't look to shabby yourself" I wink taking a sip of my water. He smiles showing his perfect white teeth.

He begins talking about his swim team when I notice something behind him that catches my eye. Trying not to be seen is Dinah hiding behind a menu looking over at our table.

When she catches me looking, she quickly hides behind her menu. I shake my head taking my napkin off my lap and placing it on the table.

"Excuse me for a second. I need to go to the ladies room" I slide out of my chair and walk past Charles to where Dinah is seated. I walk over to her table and snatch the menu out her hand and place it on the table.

"Oh hey Normani! What are you doing here?" Dinah asks innocently, leaning back in her chair.

"Cut the crap Dinah Jane! Did you seriously come to spy on me during my date?" Dinah places her hand on her heart.

"I would never! I'm here having a nice dinner with my little sis Regina" She gestures to what's in front of her and that's when I notice the little girl sitting across from her.  I smile at her before turning my attention back to Dinah.

"Can you even afford a meal here Hansen? I can't even afford a meal here! I'd have to sell my mother to pay the bill!" I whisper yell.

"Connections are beautiful thing Princess" She smiles at me. "Go enjoy your little get together with Speedo over there" She winks. I roll my eyes and walk back towards my table. I take a seat and place my napkin back on my lap.

"Sorry about that" Charles shakes his head smiling.

"It's no problem. Our food just arrived a few seconds ago" He says gesturing the food in front of us. I smile at the display. I take a sip of my water and my bladder all of a sudden awakens. Shit.

"Uh, I'm so sorry. I actually really need to use the ladies room... again" I say embarrassed. He laughs.

"Again? Maybe you're hydrating a little too much" I laugh.

"Maybe" I quickly excuse myself and make my way to the bathroom. As soon as I walk inside, I beeline for the big stall and lock it. Hopefully no one handicap needs it at the moment. I sigh in relief as I relieve myself.

I quickly finish my business and walk out of the stall. I walk over to the sinks and begin washing my hands. I turn off the water and grab some paper towels.

The bathroom door opens and I hear someone lock it. I quickly turn my head to the left to see Dinah standing there. I roll my eyes at her usual presence. She begins walking and looking under all the stalls.

I throw away my paper towel and turn all my attention at Dinah who's searching the whole bathroom.  She finally stops looking around and walks toward me. I decide to break the silence.

"What the hell are you d-" Her lips smash into mine and a moan instantly leaves my mouth. Dinah pushes me back against the counter till my thighs are pressed against it and I can't move. My arms naturally make their way around her neck as hers make their way to my lower back.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now