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I quickly grab my big t-shirt that's on the ground and shorts laying on the floor as well. I slide the clothes on and run out of the room chasing after Dinah.

"Where the fuck is she?!" I hear Dinah yell. I quickly run into the living room to see her standing there looking at everyone. The music's still playing but she was loud enough for everyone to hear her and look at her confused.

"Dinah, please stop" I try.

"Who? And stop what?" Lauren asks confused.

"Kehlani! Where the fuck is she?!" Dinah yells. Lauren points outside and we all look to where Lani is down by the beach talking to some chick.

Dinah tightens her fist and walks to the sliding door yanking it open. I quickly chase after her right on her tail as she makes her way past the pool. The people from inside are now following her while the people by the pool look at a furious Dinah confused.

As Kehlani's talking to the girl, she turns and notices everyone following behind Dinah and making their way towards her on the beach. She notices Dinah and looks at her confused.

"D? What's going o-" Before she can finish, Dinah decks her making Lani stumble to the sand before finding her feet again.

"You gave head to my fucking girlfriend?!" Dinah yells. Lani cups her jaw with a little blood on her hands. She glances at me and shrugs.

"One, my business is my business, and two, she's definitely not your girlfriend anymore"

"So you're not gonna deny it" Dinah angrily asks.

"Never, she'a hot and I don't regret anything about it" Lani shrugs. Dinah steps towards her punching her again and Lani falls to the ground. The crowd that's formed begin cheering while some pull out their phones.

"Dinah stop!" I yell. She kicks Lani in her side making a groan escape her body. Last time I interfered I got hit, I'm not doing that again. I glance at Zayn and Keith next to me. "Fucking do something!"

The both go up to Dinah and grab her as she connects one more time with Kehlani's face. The each grab both of her arms holding her back and pulling her away from Kehlani. As they do, Lani struggles getting up but holds her balance. She spits out blood and wipes her mouth, but blood is dripping from her nose.

"Nah, keep it coming Dinah. I can do this all day" She says weakly. Lauren goes up to her and wraps one of Lani's arms around her. I turn and look at all the students who've formed around.

"What the fuck is wrong with y'all? The party is over... leave now!" They all groan and the crowd slowly starts to disperse. I turn to see Alessia standing behind me. She shakes her head and sighs.

"Self sabotage Mani" I roll my eyes and push past her. I walk into the house to see Zayn and Keith trying to calm Dinah down in the living room.

A flush comes from the bathroom and Vanessa walks out spraying febreeze behind her. "Whoooo! Nobody go in there" She jokes. She looks at all of us and notices the tension immediately. She glanced at me confused. "What the fuck happened? Where is everyone?"

Ryan laughs walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine. "What happened is that Normani over here is a little hoe" I clench my fist.

"How about you shut your fucking mouth for once? Please! None of this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so fucking obsessed with my girlfriend!" I argue.

"Ex girlfriend. And last time I checked, I didn't tell you to open your legs for Dinah's best friend, now did I?" Ryan tilts her head smirking.

"Can both of you just get over yourselves?" Zendaya interrupts. "Y'all are tearing this group apart because of this shit"

"Um, I'm pretty sure you also fucked Dinah ma'am so you have no say" Ryan points.

"Oh my fucking god. That was two years ago, fuck you" Zen groans.

"Okay we get it! Everyone wants to fuck Dinah!" Ally yells rubbing her forehead.

"Not me" We all turn to see Kehlani coming out of the kitchen holding her side while Lauren helps her. She has a bandage above her eye and a bruise is forming on it as well. Her cheeks are bruised and her mouth is cut up as well.

"The only thing you want obviously is Normani" Dinah steps in pushing past Zayn and Keith. Keith steps in front of her stopping her from moving any closer towards her.

"Seriously bro? You're not even together anymore. I didn't think it'd be a big deal" Lani explains.

"Not a big deal? You're my best friend and you fucked my ex who you know I still have major feelings for! Why wouldn't that be a big deal! I trusted you! How fucking dare you" Dinah barks.

"Dinah, how dare you?! This is all your fault you know that? All of this!" Kehlani points around our group. "The only reason this issue started is because you didn't even listen to Normani. She told you multiple times that she felt uncomfortable with you hanging around Ryan, your fucking ex, and you refused to listen to her! You made her feel like shit and that you didn't even care for her or her feelings. So don't try to put this on me because I wanted her to feel good for once"

"It's not your damn job to make her feel good, it's mine!" Dinah yells.

"Then act like it!" Lani yells back.

"Can both of you just stop!" I yell. Everyone turns and looks at me. "I- I'm sorry Dinah" I turn and look at her. "I shouldn't have gotten with Lani and I'm so so sorry" I walk towards her.

"Mani, you shouldn't have to apolo-" Kehlani starts but I hold my hand up to her still looking at Dinah.

"No matter how low I was or how much I wanted to hurt you for hurting me, I shouldn't have done it. I want to be better for you and for me" A tear starts to roll down my face. I turn towards Alessia. "And maybe I do self sabotage and maybe I do need help but I'm trying okay. I'm trying to be better but it's hard" I sigh.

"Mani..." Zayn sighs. I shake my head and look at everyone.

"I know I'm not a good person, okay. I mean after my dad passed, I was pretty much alone and didn't have that great of a role model. I didn't have someone to tell me right from wrong and I didn't have someone to help me and it sucks. It sucks because I know I wouldn't be like this if I did" I wipe my face as the tears start to stream out. I look up at Dinah and her eyes are watery as she bites her lip.

"Why did it have to be her? Out of all the people..." She whispers. I wipe my face again.

"Because I wanted you to feel hurt like I did" I sigh. "I'm- I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, I was out of my mind" I move closer towards her. "Look I- I did a terrible, stupid, stupid thing, okay? And I'm sorry. I wish could take it back, but I can't. I just can't see us throwing away something we know is so damn good!" I place my hands on both sides of her face and wipe the tears away under her eyes with my thumb. "I love you so much" I close the distance between us and bring my lips up to hers connecting them softly. I can feel her lose herself as she falls into the kiss. She quickly pulls away and backs up.

"Don't! You can't just kiss me and think you're gonna make it all go away, okay? It doesn't work that way! It doesn't just make it better okay?" Dinah exclaims.

"Okay, okay..." I back away from her as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"I think you should go" She says. I look at her.

"What?" I say biting my lip.

"Dinah, don't" Ally says.

"I really think you need to go now" Dinah whispers. She turns and walks away going into our bedroom and shutting the door. Everyone looks at me and I just stand there frozen.

"Mani?" Lani asks.

"Are you okay?" Lauren says stepping towards me. I quickly step away from her and wipe my tears quickly.

"I-I'm fine. Um, you guys should probably head to bed. It's late" I leave them walking upstairs to the second floor and grabbing a big blanket out of a closet. I walk to the couch and lay there. I slowly shut my eyes and sigh. Please let this all be a horrible fucking dream.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now