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Over the past few weeks, Dinah and I have been secretly hanging out as she takes me to places where we used visit. Nothing has helped really and I don't think anything will.

I hear a knock on my window and I walk over and open the blinds. Dinah is there smiling. I lift the window and look down at her crazy.

"Did you seriously just climb up the water drain to get up here?" I question.

"Yes, I did. Now can you please move so I can come in. My arms are burning" I shift out the way so she can climb in. She shuts the window behind her.

"Did you climb in like this before the accident?" Dinah shakes her head.

"No, but I can't go up and ring the doorbell or your mom would chase me away so I had to come up with a different plan" I nod. Dinah begins to slowly walk around the room and take in her surroundings. "It's been awhile since I've been up here" She says. Her finger glides across my counter tops. "You haven't changed anything" I shake my head.

"No, I thought if I kept stuff the same it may help a little" Dinah nods looking around still. She sits on the bed and lays down facing the ceiling. I watch her lay there for second before she quickly jumps up.

"I have an idea!" She walks over to my drawers and begins digging through until she pulls out a yellow bikini. She turns towards me and smiles. "Put this on!" She throws it at me making me catch it.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Put it on and then I'm taking you somewhere!" She says smiling. I roll my eyes and begin sliding down my shorts before stopping and looking at Dinah. "O-Oh right, sorry" She turns around I strip down sliding on the bottoms and putting the top around my neck.

"Can you help me tie this?" I ask. Dinah turns around and stares at me, well my body. She shakes her head and nods.

"Yeah, totally. Um, turn around" I turn and she grabs the string and begins tying it for me. When her fingers slightly skims around my skin and sudden warmth but also chill runs around my body. "Okay you're good" I step away from her and slide my shorts back on and my top.

"Now what?" I ask turning to her. She smiles and walks over to the window gesturing her hands towards it.

"After you M'lady"


"Dinah, what the hell are we doing up here?" I ask peaking over the edge of the cliff.

"Well, we are up here because you and I are about to jump off" She says smiling. I take a step back from the edge and look at her like she's crazy.

"Uh, I think the fuck not! Who do you think I am?" Dinah laughs and begins stripping off her clothes to where she's just in her swimsuit.

"I think you're Normani. It's not like I'm asking you to do something you haven't done before!" She takes off running and does a flip into the water creating a decent splash. I take a step back from the edge.

"You're asking me to do something I don't remember" I mumble. Okay I got this, just breathe.

"You coming or what?" Dinah yells from the bottom.

"Just give me a second!" I take my clothes off and straighten up my bikini top. You got this Normani, just jump. I take off running and jump off the cliff landing into the water. I surface to a smiling Dinah.

"Welcome" I roll my eyes. "Follow me" She swims over to a waterfall with my trailing behind her. She stops and looks at me, I just look at her.

"Is this what you wanted to show me? The waterfall? Dinah, we could have looked it while being dry and not flinging myself off some big ass rock!" Dinah laughs.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now