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I walk into my last period and the class is almost full. I sigh in annoyance as I see all my "friend group" is in this class. Some random student tells me where I usually sit and I thank them.

I take my seat and place my bag on the ground. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn to see Zendaya seated behind me.

"You didn't sit with us at lunch today" She says. I roll my eyes.

"Great observation" I try turning around and she grabs my arm making me stop.

"Why?" I scoff.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you also controlled who I sit with" I snap. She's about to say something when the teacher walks in. I turn around and notice that the seat next to me is occupied by Dinah Jane. I smile at her.

"Hi" I say. She looks at me.

"Hey" She quickly looks down at her desk before look up at the board. So she really isn't going to talk to me? Fine.

I turn back to the front and begin listening to the lesson. I don't understand what the hell is going on so I just lean back in my chair as I zone in and out.

I look over my shoulder a little and notice the girl with the tattoos staring at me with a smirk. I smile at her and she winks. I turn back around and begin focusing back on the lesson.

After a few minutes, I excuse myself and head to the bathroom. I walk and go into a stall doing my business. I walk out and begin washing my hands. As I finish, I grab a paper towel to dry them when the door opens.

I turn to see the girl with the tattoos walking in. The door closes behind and she smiles as she looks at me. She leans against the bathroom wall and checks me out.

"Uh, hi" I chuckle. The girl smiles and pushes off the wall.

"Hi" She says with a raspy voice. She walks over and stands in front of me. "I heard about your little incident" She says tapping her head relating to my amnesia. "So I thought I'd introduce myself" She strokes my face lightly and places a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm Kehlani" I gulp as she looks me up and down.

"Uh hi, I'm Normani" I quickly say. She chuckles.

"I know babe. We were close before your accident" She says. My eyes light up.

"Really?" She nods. Maybe she can tell me stuff from before.

"Yes ma'am" She light places her hands on my hip bringing me closer to her.

"Oh" I say as her hands slowly slide up my shirt to wear her bare hands are on my skin.

"We hooked up a lot in here" She says gesturing to the bathroom. She leans in slowly placing a kiss on my neck.

"Um" I try to move but I'm stuck between the sink and her body.

"You'd always enjoy screaming my name" She whispers placing another kiss on the other side of my neck. She bites down a little on my neck and moan accidentally slips out. "Well that's a good sign" She says smiling. She begins kissing my neck again more aggressively. I begin squirming.

"W-We should g-get back to c-class" The feeling over her nibbling on my neck felt really good but for some reason it didn't feel right either.

"There not missing us baby girl" She says. She connects her lips with mine and quickly slips her tongue in my mouth. She disconnects begins kissing my neck again as her hands slide to the button of my pants.

"You should really stop" I say squirming trying to get out of her grip. She tries unbuttoning my pants.

"Just relax babe" She unbuttons it and tries sliding her hand down there. I grab her wrist trying to stop her.

"Please stop" I whisper. The bathroom door swings open and we both look to see Dinah Jane looking at us.

She looks confused before taking in our position and looking at my pants before anger fills her face. She grabs Kehlani's collar and slams her against the wall.

"What the fuck man?!" She yells. Kehlani puts her hands up and smiles at Dinah.

"Relax D, we were just playing around. Right, Normani?" Kehlani smirks at me. Dinah slams her against the wall again.

"Don't fucking talk to her. What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She yells.

"What does it look like? Taking this memory thing to my advantage. Why else did you tell me?" Kehlani asks.

"I didn't tell you so you could take advantage of her!" She yells. Kehlani shrugs.

"By the moans leaving her mouth, didn't seem like she didn't like it" Dinah slams her one more time before releasing her collar.

"Stay the fuck away from her or were gonna have another problem" Kehlani smooths out her shirt before walking past us smirking. She leans against the door and looks me up and down again.

"Till next time baby girl" She goes out the door leaving Dinah alone in the bathroom. I begin buttoning up my pants and straightening myself out. I notice Dinah hovering behind me as she looks at me through the mirror.

"Are you okay?" She asks. I scoff as I fix my clothing still.

"Aren't you not supposed to be talking to me?" I question.

"Yes, but I wanna make sure that you're okay" I spin around a look at her.

"Well I'm fine! Thanks" I snap. She stays quiet staring deeply into my eyes. She shakes her head.

"You're not" I push past her and turn towards her again.

"Well what do you expect?!" I say throwing my hands up. "Everyone here remembers everything and I'm over in the shadows lost and confused! I don't know who I can trust and believe!" I exclaim. Dinah runs her fingers through her hair.

"You can trust me" She says. I roll my eyes.

"Really? Prove it, because I have so many so called friends but yet I feel so fucking lonely" I express. Dinah sighs walking around the bathroom before leaning against the wall.

"Okay, tell me what I can do?" She questions.

"I don't know, tell me the truth? Tell me about everything before the crash? That would be a great start!" I say slight sarcastic. Dinah runs her fingers through her hair and lightly tapping her foot. She pushes off the wall and nods.

"Fine. We'll start from the very beginning. I'm going to send text you an address and you'll meet me there after school"

"I don't have a car" I add. Dinah raises her eyebrow. "I was in a car crash and lost my memory; you really think my mother is gonna want me in a car right away?" I question.

"Fine. Just meet here after the bell and we'll leave" Dinah walks out of the bathroom leaving me alone. I'm finally going to get answers.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now