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"Princess?" I look up from my homework at Dinah sitting at my desk. I hum in response. "What do you think my chances are to being accepted to Southern California?" She asks. I place my pencil down.

"I mean, I don't know for sure but my guess would be pretty high. It's a private institution but you're grades are really great D" I smile. She lightly taps her pencil on the desk.

"You think so? I sent in other applications but I'm really hoping I get accepted" Dinah says nervously. I place my homework next to me on the bed and cross my legs.

"You'll get in, Dinah. Don't worry" Dinah smiles at me placing her pencil down.

"So, what about you? Where did you apply?" She turns in the desk chair facing me all the way.

"I applied for the medical programs at Harvard, John Hopkins, and Stanford. Nothing serious, just the basic ones. My dad always wanted me to go to one of them" I state grabbing my homework again. Dinah laughs.

"Jesus Mani, I get you're a genius and all, but damn. At least, if you go to Stanford we'll be in the same state" I nod.

"That's true. We could visit each other on the weekends and stuff" I state. Dinah stands up out of her chair and jumps to lay down next to me on the bed.

"That would be awesome" She grabs my homework out of my hand placing it on the bed while placing her head on my lap. I chuckle and begin running my fingers through her hair. She lets out a small moan and shuts her eyes. We stay in this position quietly for a few minutes.

"So..." I start. Dinah hums. "Have you talked to Kehlani at all?" I ask. Dinah opens one eye looking at me before shutting it back.

"And why would I do that?" She asks. I shrug.

"I don't know. Because you guys are best friends"

"Ex-best friends" Dinah mumbles.

"Don't do that Dinah" I sigh. She sits up, making me move my hands out of her hair and turns to look at me.

"Do what? You want me to act like what went down didn't?" Dinah argues. I shake my head.

"No, of course not-" She cuts me off.

"Then what?" She says sternly. I scoff.

"Well maybe if you'd let my ass finish you'd know" I cross my arms. Dinah rolls her eyes. "Wow, okay then" I slide off the bed and go into my closet grabbing a hoodie sliding it on.

"Where are you going?" Dinah quickly asks.

"I have to go pick up my mother, so yeah. Text me when you don't have an attitude anymore" I grab my car keys off my desk. "You can see yourself out" I walk out of the room slamming the door behind me.


The back door to my car opens as Andrea throws her suitcase in. She shuts it before opening the door to the passenger seat and getting in.

"Thanks for picking me up sweetheart" She smiles. I put the car in drive.

"Mhm" I mumble. We begin driving back home in silence, which honestly, I prefer. My phone keeps buzzing and I glance at it on the holder to see texts from Dinah.

hey, I'm really sorry about earlier Princess...

i'm just stressed about school and colleges lately. I didn't mean to take it out on you

just hmu when you get home safely, love you

I sigh keeping my eyes on the road. I guess Andrea read them as well because she glances at me.

"Your phones blowing up. Trouble in paradise?" She asks.

"It's fine, not that it's any of your business " I state. Andrea glances at me before keeping her eyes forward. We sit in silence for the rest of the ride home. We pull into the garage and both go inside.

I make my way into the living room plopping on the couch next to Aspen. I pull out my phone to open Dinah's texts from earlier.

It's fine, D. I get it. I know you and Lani's relationship right now is touchy, and I'll leave it alone from now on.

I just hate the fact that I'm the reason y'all aren't close anymore.

Hey, it's not your fault Princess. Lani and I have always had issues, but we always bounce back. It's okay, you're okay.

Are you sure?

Positive. I love you :)

I love you too :)

As I send my last message, Andrea snatches my phone out of my hand. I quickly stand up looking at her.

"What the fuck? Give it back!" I yell.

"What you're not going to do is curse out your mother" She glares.

"Give me my fucking phone back Andrea! Or I swear to God I'll-"

"You'll what Normani? I've let your attitude got for years after your father and I've had it! Cut it out" She exclaims. I let out a bitter laugh.

"Oh wow! Look at you! Finally trying to be a mother! I don't know if you realized Andrea, it's too damn late!"

"You need to stop calling me by my name little girl. You need to learn to show me some respect, especially in my own damn home! You can call me mother or mom!" She argues.

"I'd rather be with dad!" I yell walking past her. She gasps grabbing my arm and turning me around.

"Normani! Don't say that! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?!" I scoff.

"You've been disrespectful ever since your father passed!" She says.

"You're finally ready to have that talk? Fine, let's do it!" I say angrily. "Let's talk about how you started to put me second and your job first. Let's talk about how after dad passed, you were barely fucking home and left me to fend for myself. You left me, a little girl who needed her mother, alone to do whatever the fuck you were doing. I get you were grieving, but I needed you!" I yell pointing at her with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "I needed my mother and you weren't there! Why?" The tears start to roll down my eyes. "Why?!" I squeak out.

Andrea moves towards me slowly, pulling me into a hug with my head on her shoulder and her arms around me. I don't know why, but I just started bawling. The tears just won't stop flowing as she holds me. I can't even remember the last time we hugged like this.

She gently rubs my back up and down while lightly stroking the back of my head. I slowly pull away wiping my tears with my hands.

"I know I wasn't a good mother then, and still. And I'm sorry, but I am trying Normani. Your dad was our rock, and when he left... I felt like I lost this huge piece of me" She wipes away a few of my tears. "I'm sorry for being gone for so long and I'm sorry for not being the mother that you needed then and now. But from now going forward, I'll be the best I can be. I'll be here for you whenever you need me, anytime of the day and anywhere. But you have to work with me. None of that disrespectful shit" She smiles. I let out a light laugh looking at her.

"Okay" I whisper. "I'm sorry, Andr- Mom" She smiles.

"And to start off this new era for us, how would you like me to cook you some dinner?" Andrea says handing me my phone. I smile taking it back from her.

"That would be amazing"

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now