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I walk into my sixth period to see Vanessa standing up front with our teacher. I wave at her and she smiles and waved back.

I walk to my seat next to Dinah and plop down next to her since we should be with our partners. Once the bell rings, our teacher closes the door and walks back over to Vanessa.

"Alright class, eyes up front!" Everyone quiets down and looks at her. "We have a new student. Her name is Vanessa Morgan, and I expect you guys to welcome her with friendly faces" Dinah scoffs and I glare at her. "Who is willing to let her join their group today until I can find another project for Ms. Morgan to do?" I immediately raise my hand. "Perfect. You may join Normani's group"

Vanessa nods and grabs a chair pulling it towards Dinah and I's desk. She places her bag on the ground and smiles at me.

"Thanks for letting me join your group Mani" She says smiling. "Is it okay if I call you that?" I nod.

"Of course. All my friends call me that. Just let me call you V" I smile.

"Deal" Vanessa grins. Dinah scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Get a room already" I look at her.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I say smirking. Dinah begins tapping her pen fast but lightly on the desk while glaring at me. She turn to look at Vanessa.

"Why'd you even move here Canada?" She asks aggressively.

"My mother's new job required relocating" She states.

"Does she suck at her old job the way you suck at making friends?" Dinah presses. Vanessa laughs and moves a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Her new job actually offers higher money and position is more important. As for the friends, I think I'm doing a pretty good job" She winks at me making me and I wink back. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom" She slides out of the chair and exits the room.

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped flirting with Canada" Dinah says placing her pen on the table. I roll my eyes.

"First, her name is Vanessa. Second, I'm not flirting with her. Third, why are you being such a complete asshole to her. You know we don't mess with new kids. Don't be a stereotype" I state. Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Oh please, y'all have been flirting since you walked into the cafeteria with your arms linked together"

"Is that seriously why you're being an ass? Because you think she's flirting with me or I'm flirting with her? For god sakes Dinah Jane, she has a whole ass girlfriend back home in Canada, but you wouldn't know that because you're letting jealousy get in the way of actually being nice, and since when does the Dinah Jane Hansen get jealous?" I question.

"I don't and I'm not" She huffs.

"Then act like it" The door opens and Alessia walks back into the room taking her previous seat.

"Did I miss anything new?" I shake my head.

"Not at all" I turn to Dinah waiting for her and she sighs.

"So, Vanessa" She says forcing the name out painfully. "Got any special talents?" A smile spreads on V's face.

"Actually yes. I'm good at reading people's lives through palm reading. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm crazy good at it. My mom says I should have people pay me to read palms" She states.

"Prove it" Dinah lays her hand out on her desk waiting for Vanessa to grab it. "Go on ahead, try me" Vanessa shrugs and grabs Dinah's hand. She lightly strokes the inside of her hand staring straight at it. Well... this isn't weird.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now