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(A/N: ^^ These are the outfits everyone will be wearing at the party. Enjoy!!)

"Alessia Caracciolo! I know damn well you aren't about to wear that stupid red flannel to the party!"

"I'm comfortable"

"I don't give two flying fucks! Change!"

"No! Leave me alone Lauren!"

I groan at the sound of Alessia and Lauren arguing in the hallway. They are lucky as hell that my mother isn't home to yell at their asses for yelling in her house. I sigh as I stare at my closet debating on what to wear.

"Need any help?" I turn to see Zendaya leaning against the doorframe of my closet. I sigh in relief.

"Please" She smiles pushing herself of the door frame. She begins looking through all my clothes. She pulls out a black jaw string dress.

"This is cute, but it'll need a lil something something" She hands me the dress to hold and continues searching. She pulls out a white t-shirt and smiles.

"A shirt? Really?" She laughs and nods.

"It'll be cute, I promise. When have I ever steered you wrong?" I playfully roll my eyes.

"I can think of multiple times"

"Just put it on!" I sigh and begin stripping in front of Zendaya. I was comfortable changing in front of all of my friends, besides Zayn of course. I slide on the shirt then the dress and look at Zen. "It's a yes for me" She says in a British accent. I laugh with her.

She pulls me into my bathroom and begins playing with my hair a little bit.

"We can add a little choker and then straighten your hair and boom! You will look even more gorgeous than your natural beauty Mani!" I smile at Zendaya as she plugs in the flat iron. She is legit a ride or die bitch and I love her for that.


We pull up to the party at 9:30 and it's already in full swing. We walk inside and the smell of weed, alcohol, and sex fills our noses. I look at all my friends.

"Y'all know the drill. Call or text each other if something's wrong" They all nod and we head our separate ways. I, however, head straight for the drinks. I start pouring some contents in my cup when a tall figure approaches next to me. I glance at the person and sigh. "Following me Hansen?" She lets out a laugh.

"You wish Hamilton" She begins to pour some alcohol into her cup. She quickly downs the drink and turns to me. "Have a horrible night" She salutes and winks at me before walking away. I walk towards the middle of the living room and sit on the couch watching groups of teenagers grind and dance with each other.

I have nothing better to do, so I decide to join in on the fun. I down my drink and throw my cup on the ground somewhere. I walk into the middle of the dance floor and begin grinding on some random guy.

As I'm dancing with this guy, I glance up to see Alessia and one of Dinah's goons, Keith, talking and being super friendly than needed. A little too close for my comfort. What the hell does he think he's doing with her? I feel someone pull me away from the guy I'm dancing with. I turn to see Zendaya.

"We got a situation. Zayn's going mayhem on some freshman!" Zen grabs my hand pulling me away from the dance floor. I glance at the kitchen and Alessia and Keith are gone. Zendaya leads me outside to where Zayn is slamming some kid on a pillar outside.

"I'm gonna best your ass Freshie! This sweater is more expensive than you and your whole family combined!" I pull Zayn away and step in front of the poor freshman kid who drops to the ground once released from Zayn's grip.

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