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I was sitting in the small couch in the corner of the hospital room as Lauren's parents and both Zendaya surrounded her bed making sure she was okay.

Everything that happened yesterday kept replaying in my head. Well, mostly only one thing:

It doesn't seem like Zendaya wants that the way she was screaming my name that night

I couldn't get Dinah's voice saying that out. It was like a record that was broken. Just over and over and over.

Dinah told me that night didn't mean anything to her, and maybe she said it just to get under Lauren's skin, but I can't help but think it did mean something to her.

Of course, I have no right to be mad. We were nowhere even closing to having a relationship or even a friendship, but it still hurts in some way.

"Mani" I look up at hearing my name and notice the room is empty besides Lauren in the bed.

"What happened? Where'd your parents and Zendaya go?" I question.

"I ask them to give me a moment alone with you" She says. I stand up and take a seat in the chair next to the hospital bed.

"What's wrong?" Lauren lays her head back on her pillow and tilts her head towards me.

"How long have we been best friends Mani?" I shrug.

"Since sixth grade in middle school" I state.

"And since then I've been able to read you like the back of my hand" I look at Lauren confused. "I saw the signs, they were all there. It was just hard to believe due to the hatred all the years. So I didn't think that it was true, so I ignored it. But, last night at the party confirmed it. I just wish you had told me"

"Told you what, Lo?" I say confused.

"That you and Dinah are, well we're dating" my eyes go wide.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" I stutter.

"You don't?" Lauren questions. I immediately shake my head. "I love you Dinah, I do" My eyes go wide.

"Lauren I-" She cuts me off.

"I'm not mad at the fact that you guys were dating, but more at the fact that you didn't tell me. As much as Dinah and I hate each other, and as much as I thought you guys hate each other, your happiness is way more important than any rivalry" I stay quiet. "Am I the only who knows?" I shake my head.

"Alessia has known" Lauren nods and looks straight ahead.

"Of course she has" Lauren sighs.

"I would've told you Lauren if I knew you'd be okay with it" Lauren puts her finger up.

"Let's set one thing straight, I'm not okay with it. That girl has made your life, and mine, a living hell, but I'm willing to put all that shit aside if she means that much to you" I shrug.

"Well it's too late for that. That ship has already sailed sadly"

"Because of what happened yesterday?" Lauren questions. I nod. We both sit there in silence not knowing what to say. "How's your lip?" I touch the spot where Dinah punched me.

"It's fine. I'm obviously not as bad as you" I joke. Lauren laughs. "I should probably head home. I may come back again tonight to check in" Lauren nods.

"Thanks Mani. Love you" I smile as I stand up.

"Love you too, Lo" I grab my jacket and phone and walk out of the room making my way down the hospital halls.

I click the elevator button and the doors open. I hit 1 and wait for the doors to shut, but just as their about to close a hand comes in between them making them open again.

"Sorry" Some guy says entering the elevator. I look him up and down taking in his appearance.

He's wearing a black plain hoodie with a jean jacket over it going nicely with his black jeans. His hair was brown with nice volume and his skin tone was a little pale but in a sense, had a nice little tan.

He glances at me before turning away but quickly taking a double take at me. He turns and smiles.

"I'm Nick" He says smiling while sticking out his hand. I glance at it before deciding to shake it. Why is he introducing himself?

"Normani" I say returning the smile.

"I know" He states. "We've been going to school together since elementary. We've had a few classes together as well" He states.

"Really? Wait, you kind of look familiar. What's your last name?" I ask.

"Robinson" A smile forms on my famous.

"Oh my god. Rat Robinson?! The kid who fed a rat laxatives and released in Mr. Lanes class?!" I laugh. He smiles and laughs.

"Damn, I was hoping people would have forgotten that by now. Like come on, we were in fifth grade" He chuckles.  "And just so were clear, I was dared by Tanner Welks to do it" He smiles. The elevator dings for the first floor and we both walk out together.

"So what brings you here?" I question. He chuckles, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I was on my way out to grab some food for my family. My little brother thought it'd be funny to stick a hose up his butt and put it on full blast. He's been constipated for about a week so my mom thought it'd be a good idea to take him to the hospital" I laugh.

"That'll be a great story to tell on his wedding day" Nick nods.

"Definitely" He smiles. "So what about you? What brings you here?"

"Lauren got into a fight" Nick laughs.

"She always was a fighter since the first day she came to our middle school" I chuckle.

"I'm still waiting on her to win one" I joke. Nick laughs and we both walk the rest of the way silent to the entrance of the hospital. We both walk outside and stop there.

"It was nice meeting you, well, seeing you again" I smile. Nick smiles brightly.

"You too Normani" I turn and begin walking to my car. "Hey, wait!" I turn around to see Nick jogging over to me. "Hey, so, I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me?" He asks.

"That's a really sweet offer, but I just got out of a relationship, well I wouldn't even call it that. The point is, I'm not ready to start dating some right now" I state.

"Okay, lets go as friends then. And just so you don't feel uncomfortable with it just being me, how about my brother tags along? He gets released tomorrow" I sigh.

"Fine, as long as your buying me candy" I add.

"Perfect, it's a date!" I tilt my head at him. His eyes go wide.

"Wait, rewind! Not a date, just us babysitting my brother so he doesn't stick another hose up his butt" I laugh.

"Perfect" I smile. I walk away and get in my car, driving off to head home.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now