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So today in Psychology our teacher decided that all of a sudden we're going to be doing a project with a partner. One thing I hate about this project is, we can't pick partners.

"Alright class listen up!" Our teacher has a clipboard in front of her. "I have the list of partners. Once I say who you are with, move to the seat next to them. When I assign everyone's partner, I will then explain the project"

I groan and drop my head on my desk. This project is already going to be fucking horrible, I can sense it.

"Zayn and Lauren. Tanner and Alyssa. Kehlani and Ally. Jackson and Tyler. Zendaya and Alessia. Cole and Brittany. Dua and Keith." I nod at the names so far so good. The only problem is who the hell is she gonna partner me with if my whole squad is already partnered up. Then, it happens... "Dinah and Normani"

My head immediately turns to Dinah who winks at me. I groan and drop my head on my desk. This can't be happening! My luck legit sucks! Dinah begins shifting and sliding her seat closer to me connecting our desk together.

"Miss me?" Dinah laughs.

"Shut the fuck up" I say holding my finger up to her. She laughs again before facing forward towards our teacher.

"Now that everyone has been assigned their partners, let me explain the project. You will be getting to know the person next to you deeply. Today in class on a piece of paper or maybe even two, write what you think about this person, how they seem to you, and how they act. Then, for the next few weeks, you and your partners will be opening up to each other and telling each other stuff you didn't know about each other and maybe even your friends. This will show you how or why the person is the way they are. You may begin"

I sigh and take out a piece of paper. I begin writing out what I think about Dinah:

• A bitch who's full of herself
• Too cocky
• Has decent looking hair
• Annoying personality
• Thinks shes the great thing on this earth
• Has to be better than me in everything I do
• Seems to have a lot of money from the outfits she wears and loves
•Is pretty good with make-up
•Very very annoying

I stop writing and look at Dinah who is finished and looking at me. She snatches my paper from me and begins reading it. She laughs.

"You wrote annoying twice" I roll my eyes.

"I know" She hands me my paper back. She hands me her paper.

"You know nothing about me" I shrug.

"That's the point of the project, isn't it?" I start reading over her notes of me:

•Hates me for no good reason
•A bitch to me and my friends
• Tries to make herself seem stronger than she actually is
•Cocky beyond belief
•Always has pretty lit hair
•Tries to be better than me in anyway possible
•Seems to think she's Miss Perfect
•Seems like half of a human being
•A hoe

I roll my eyes and hand Dinah her paper back.

"You know nothing about me?" Dinah shrugs.

"That's the point if the project, isn't it?" She says mocking me from earlier. I get up and walk over to my teacher and ask to go to the bathroom. She lets me and I leave the room.

I walk into the bathroom and head straight for the mirrors. I place my hands on the counter and look up at myself in the mirror.

Why the hell did I have to get partnered with her? It's like everyone in this world has something against me and wants the worst for me! It's a fucked up thing!

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