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It took me a week before I finally convinced Andrea to let me go to school. She offered to take me but I told her I'd rather take the bus or walk. She seemed hurt by it and I hate to do that to her, but it seems like everyone is trying to control everything I do and I'm not for that.

So here I am, in the school hallway, staring at my locker trying to remember the stupid combination. This couldn't be one of the things I remember?

"Here. Let me help" I turn to see Alessia and roll my eyes. She spins the lock before opening the locker. "There you go" She says smiling.

"How do you know my combination?" I question.

"You always had me put stuff away for you so it's not that hard to remember anymore" She says. I start putting my stuff away as Alessia hovers next to me. "You're welcome by the way" I look her up and down before slamming the locker shut.

"Thanks" I sling my bag over my shoulder and begin walking down the hallway. Luckily I had my schedule in my phone so that helped a little. I walk into the classroom and see some people talking and laughing in there seats.

Fuck. Where do I sit? Come on, try to remember. Was it the front? No, I don't think I'd choose there. Maybe it was-

"You need help?" I turn and to see Dinah smiling at me. I freeze and take her in. She's so gorgeous. The way her hair lays, her flawless skin and features. How could this girl be bad news? "Hello? Normani?" She questions. I snap myself back to earth and nod.

"Uh, yes. Please" I say. She points towards the back to the right.

"That's you back there" I look at the seat before turning back to her.

"Thank you" I say. She shrugs before looking down at her feet and back up.

"It's really no problem" She says. I nod before walking to the back towards my seat. As I walk down the aisle and all the people at the desk start staring and whispering to each other. I guess they heard about the car crash?

I take my seat in the back and drop my bag on the ground. I notice all the eyes on me so I just keep my gaze on my desk and draw patterns with my finger. I notice the seat next to me gets filled by someone and I notice it's Alessia making me roll my eyes.

"Before you go and say I'm stalking you, we have assigned seats" She states. I ignore and look up as the teacher closes the door and jumps right into the lesson.

His voice becomes distance as my gaze and thoughts goes to the gorgeous blonde and few rows in front of me.

She whispers something to the short brunette next to her making the girl let out a small laugh. Dinah chuckles a little and covers her mouth as she does. Hmm. Why does she do that?

I look to my right to see Alessia focused on the lesson so I slowly slide my phone out of my pocket. I click on a contact and quickly type a message.

Why do you do that when you laugh?

I look up at Dinah. She's writing some notes down but stops and pulls her phone out of her pocket. She glances at me quick before turning around and looks at her phone confused.

Dinah Jane:

Yes that's me. You didn't answer my question.

Dinah Jane:
Sorry, it's just I'm surprised you're texting me...

Dinah Jane:
...But do what?

Cover your mouth when you laugh.

Dinah Jane:
Are you even supposed to be talking to me? I mean, I'm not supposed to be talking to you.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now