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We're all sitting at our lunch table waiting for Dinah and Kehlani to come back.

"Alright everyone, place your bets" Keith jokes.

"I'm betting Lani comes back with a black eye" Zayn lays five tables on the table. "Maybe a busted lip"

"Agreed" Lauren places a five down as well.

"I'm not betting on our friends" Alessia states.

"Lameee" Vanessa starts. "I'm betting Lani doesn't come back at all" She places her money down. Zendaya adds a five with hers.

"Why is everyone betting against my girlfriend, damn" Dua chuckles.

"To be fair, Dinah is 2-0 right now" Ally chips in. Zen puts a finger on her nose pointing at Ally in agreement.

"Well, I bet that they come back happy as ever. I know Dinah and they'll be okay" I place a ten down.

"It only has to be a five Mani" Zayn says. I shrug.

"That's how confident I am" I smirk. Zendaya picks up the cash and stacks it in the middle of the table.

"I guess we'll all have to see" She states. We continue with our conversations, joking and enjoying each other's company. A few minutes pass by and the cafeteria doors open and Dinah and Lani walk in.

We all turn to see them joking with each other, smiling as they walk over to our table.

"No fucking way..." Zayn says shockingly.

"Run me my money Zen" I smile sticking my hand out. She places the $30 in my hand and I put it in my pocket while standing up from the table.

As they get closer to the table I walk over to them. They smile at me as I approach.

"Hey Mani" Lani says. She smiles at me patting my shoulder as she join the rest of the group at the table. I look at Dinah and she smiles.

"Hi Princess"

"Hi" I get on my toes and peck her lips. "How was it?" I ask.

"It was good. We talked it through and we're ready to move on from it" Dinah smiles.

"I'm happy you guys were able to do that. One, for yourselves; and two, for this" I pull out the cash and show Dinah. She chuckles.

"You guys bet money?" I nod.

"To be fair, Zayn started it" I chuckle.

"I'm guessing you bet on me to come back friends with her" She smiles.

"I'll always bet on you baby" I kiss her one more time making her blush. She places her hands on my hips lightly guiding me towards the table.

We both sit down and Zayn and Keith start banging the table in celebration making everyone laugh. Everyone was chatting and having a good time and I couldn't help but smile looking around. I missed all of us like this and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Dinah and I were cuddled on the couch downstairs in the living room watching tv. Her arm is around me, lightly stroking my skin as I cuddle comfortably into her side.

"So since our group is coming over here after prom to hang, I guess your mom asked if my mom could supervise us because she doesn't trust us all here alone" Dinah shares.

"She's left us here alone before" I chuckle.

"Yeah, I think that was before she realized how sexually active we are" Dinah laughs. I playfully roll my eyes.

"I can't believe prom is tomorrow. Our senior prom... I can't believe high school is almost over" I say in disbelief.

"I know. I wish it didn't go by so fast. Especially now that I have you" Dinah cuddles me in closer. I smile snuggling into her more.

My front door swings open and Lauren and Kehlani come in, jumping over the back of the couch and sitting next to us.

"What up lovebirds?" Lauren smiles.

"Normani, how have you not been robbed yet? You need to stop leaving the door open!" Dinah states. I shrug.

"I don't like getting up to answer the door" Dinah rolls her eyes.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" I asks.

"Dua and Zen went to get massages so we're bored" Lani says grabbing the remote from Dinah and changing the channel.

"So you drove here to bother Dinah and I?" I question.

"Precisely" Lani says as she leaves the channel on the show Catfish.

"I don't get this. It's 2022, how are people still getting catfished" Lauren jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, so for our little after party tomorrow, do I need to get the drinks or is that all handled?" Lani asks.

"I have some stuff here but if you want to get more I don't think anyone would be opposed" I noted.

"Bet, I'll add it to my list" She smiles.

"List?" Dinah questions.

"Yeah. Alcohol, weed, etc" Lani smiles.

"You do realize my mother is going to be here right?" Dinah asks.

"Yeah, but I texted Naki and she said the whole family is coming over so she'll keep her occupied" Lauren smiles. Dinah contorts her face.

"Why the hell are you texting my older sister?"

"Because she's hot" Lauren says as if it's obvious.

"Y'all make me sick" Dinah retorts. They all start playfully arguing my I get distract by my phone sounding from a message.

Everything going okay?

Yep. Lauren, Lani, and Dinah are over. We're just hanging out.

Sounds good. You excited for prom tomorrow?

Yeah of course. I wish you were here though

Me too, but I'll be back Saturday morning. I'm about to head to the important surgery right now. I'll be at the table for about 16 hours, but I'll text you when I make it back to my hotel afterwards okay?

Okay, be safe. I love you

I will. I love you too Normani

I close my phone and listen in to the three stooges conversation in front of me.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now