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"So... this is nice..." Zayn begins. "All of us sitting at a table together again" He smiles as he looks around our quiet lunch table. This is how everyone was seated:

                Lauren        Me           Vanessa
                Zayn          Alessia       Zendaya

It was very intense. No words were spoken, just everyone focused on eating their lunch. Well except for Zayn. He felt it was his job to break the ice for everybody...

"Lauren, Zendaya? Aren't you two on talking terms?" Zayn questions.

"We've decided to take things slow" Zendaya says focusing on her salad.

"Exactly, we both need time to figure out what we want so we're just taking our time and looking at our options" Lauren adds. Zayn huffs.

"Sounds gay" Lauren stabs her fork into her Mac and cheese.

"Like you would know!" She argues.

"Okay, why don't we all just calm down?" Alessia steps in. Lauren sighs before taking her fork out of her Mac and cheese and taking a bite. Zayn shrugs and continues eating.

"So apparently there's a party tonight... that's if anyone is even in the mood" Vanessa begins.

"Whose house?" I ask. Alessia shrugs.

"Some kid in my history class, but there's a theme apparently. Black out or black out" Vanessa says. Zendaya laughs.

"I like it. Play on words"

"Really cause I don't get it" Zayn states.

"Of course you don't" Lauren jumps in. "You either wear all black or you black out from drinking to much" Zayn's eyes go wide.

"Ohhhhh! Yeah that makes more sense rather from what I was thinking" We all laugh at the table. "So are we going?"

"I'm in" Vanessa says.

"Same" I state.

"Ditto" Zendaya adds.

"If I finish my homework in time I'm in" Alessia says. I playfully roll my eyes. We all look at Lauren waiting for her reply.

"I guess I'll be the DD"


I pass Alessia a drink and she stares at it, swirling it around in the red solo cup.

"So you're really going to drink?" I question. She shrugs staring at the content inside the cup.

"Keith said I should look into trying new things" Alessia states. I let out a small chuckle.

"I don't think he was talking about drinking" I point out.

"You're probably right, but I think I should at least try a little before college right?" I shrug and Alessia sighs. She glances at her cup before downing the whole thing.

"A little my ass" I mumble. She slams the cup on the counter before scrunching her face up and coughing.

"Oh my god! It tastes like death!" I smile.

"That's good. You have a less chance of becoming an addict now since you dislike the taste" I pour some punch in her cup. "Take it slow kid" I grab my drink and exit the kitchen to the living room where the music is blasting and bodies are rubbing against each other.

I weave through the crowd carefully not trying to spill my drink. Finally, I make it towards patio and close the door behind me.

I walk towards the rail and look at the beach view. Vanessa's friend is sure living their best life out here. I take a sip of my drink before placing it down.

I hear the patio door open and turn to see Dinah closing the door. Oh fuck fuck fuck! I can't deal with this right now! I continue to look forward at the view trying to ignore her presence next to me.

"You look good in black" I shrug

"I look good in everything" Dinah laughs and nods.

"That's true" We sit in silence for a few minutes, quietly staring at the view. "Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" Dinah turns to look at me leaning against the rail. I immediately shake my head and down my drink throwing the cup somewhere on the ground.

"Not right now Dinah. It's not the time" I state.

"Why not? Normani I lo-"

"What's going on here?" We both turn to see Lauren looking at us while shutting the door behind her. I take a step away from Dinah.

"Nothing, Lauren" I say.

"Yeah, so you can leave" Dinah adds in. I eternally slap my forehead. Why did she have to speak?

"I wasn't asking you Hansen. Now, how about you leave my friend the fuck alone?" Lauren says walking over.

"Or what? You gonna sink your teeth into my neck Vampy? Don't be alarmed but I have a wooden stake inside" Dinah smirks.

"Fuck you! I don't see your need to be around my friends at all! So you need to stay away from Normani, and stay the fuck away from my girlfriend!" Lauren barks. Dinah smirks and shrugs.

"It doesn't seem like Zendaya wants that the way she was screaming my name that night" Lauren's eyes go wide and I whip my head towards Dinah. Why the fuck would she say that?

"That's it!" Lauren charged at Dinah tackling her sending them both over the railing and onto the sand below.

"Stop it!" I yell. I quickly take off my heels and jump over the railing. Lauren and Dinah are wrestling each other with sand flying everywhere. Dinah quickly flips them over and punches Lauren straight in the jaw. "Dinah, stop!"

She punches her again hitting in the eye. Not thinking of what would happen, I jump in the way trying to protect Lauren as Dinah was swinging through.

Next thing I know, I stumble back and bring my fingers up to my lip and notice the blood running out of my mouth. Dinah's eyes go wide and she quickly stands up.

I spit out some blood before glancing at Lauren who's half unconscious. I look at Dinah and shake my head while touching my lip again.

"The way she was screaming my name that night?" I bitterly repeat her words from earlier. Dinah shakes her head and walks toward me. She tries to touch my lip but I step back.

"Don't touch me" I bark. Dinah's face saddens. I sigh and look Dinah straight in the eyes. "I love you Dinah, I do" A tear runs out of my eye. "But stay away from me and my friends" Dinah shakes her head as a tear runs down her cheek as well.

"Princess I-"

"Just don't Dinah Jane" I walk over to Lauren picking her up bridal style. I walk around the house to her car and unlock the door laying her down on the backseats.

I dig in her pockets trying to find her car keys and find them in her left back pocket. I get in the Driver's seat and turn the car on but quickly pull out my phone to text everyone.

Hey guys, I'm taking Lauren to the hospital. Is there anyway you guys can find a ride home or call an Uber?

I'll talk to my friend about letting us stay the night. Is she okay?

yeah, what happened?


I'll tell you guys later.

snd me th hopspitl adres

Zayn please keep an eye on Zendaya, i gtg

I put my phone away and put the car in drive before heading straight to the hospital.

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