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"You promise you'll be on your best behavior?" I ask.

"Yes, Princess. I promise" Dinah says as we pull up to the restaurant. We both get off her motorcycle and walk in. When we enter we spot Dua and Kehlani are chilling by the bar. Dua glances over her shoulder, sees me and waves. I wave back and Dinah and I walk over.

"Best behavior" I lightly mumble in her ear. We both been smiles on our faces as we get closer to the other couple.

Dua and I exchange hey's while hugging. I hug Kehlani and Dua hugs Dinah, and then an obvious awkwardness formed when Kehlani and Dinah didn't for obvious reasons.

"We should sit" Dua jumps in. I nod quickly.

"Yes, definitely" We all grab a table and take our seats with each couple on respective sides.

"How have you been Lani?" I smile. She shrugs.

"Pretty good, working on some new songs actually" She smiles. "You look good by the way" I smile. Dinah rolls her eyes.

"I mean she always looks good so you're compliment is kinda unnecessary" Dinah interjects. I grab her hand under the table and squeeze it. I look at Lani.

"Thanks Lani, I appreciate it" I smile. I glance at Dinah signaling for her to relax a bit.

"It's just a compliment Dinah, no need to get uptight about it" Lani rolls her eyes. Dua nudges Lani.

"Anyways, are y'all two excited for prom?" Dua asks.

"Yeah, we're going shopping for our outfits tomorrow" I smile.

"Love that! Have you decided on your color?" I nod.

"I'm thinking light pink but I haven't 100% decided on it yet" I smile. "What about you guys?"

"Emerald green, don't know how but it makes Dua look even sexier" Lani smiles looking at her. Dua blushes kissing Lani on the cheek. I smile at them.

"You guys are adorable"

"Thank you" Dua winks at me.

"So shall we order?" Lani asks.

"Sure. I actually have to use the bathroom though. Mani, wanna join me?" Dua asks.

"Of course" I give Dinah a quick peck before standing up and following her to the bathroom.

We enter the bathroom and shut the door behind us. We both let out a big sigh leaning against the sinks.

"Things are... definitely a little tense out there" Dua shares. I nod in agreement.

"No shit. They can't stop death staring each other whenever one speaks" I scratch my forehead.

"Well maybe us giving them this time out there will help them start some type of conversation"

"Agreed" I sigh. "Okay so for prom next week I'm thinking we get a party bus obviously and Dinah offered for us to all chill at her place and hang there. Do you think Lani will be okay with that? I'll talk to Dinah of course"

"She'll be there if I have to drag her into the damn house" Dua jokes. I laugh.

"Okay good good" I smile. "Also I'm thinking off taking off my sew-in and chopping my natural hair to a bob with a light side bang" Dua taps her chin.

"Are you gonna bump the ends?" I choke on my spit.

"Fuck no! My mother isn't doing my hair for picture day bitch" I joke. Dua chuckles.

"Well I think you'll look very sexy" I smile and push off the sink.

"Should we check in on them?" Dua nods.

"Yes, that, plus I'm hungry" We both walk out of the bathroom to see Dinah and Kehlani now standing up from their seats arguing across the table. Many wandering eyes in the restaurant have found their way on the two.

You've got to be kidding me? We've been gone for like 5 minutes. We both start making our way towards the table. As we reach the table, Dinah grabs one of the drinks on the table and throws it in Kehlani's face. Dua and I both gasp.

"Dinah, what the fuck!" I yell. She turns and grabs my hand immediately.

"We're leaving" She starts pulling towards the entrance of the door. I look back to see Dua drying off Kehlani while Lani has her hands up, looking down at her clothes annoyed.

Dinah continues pulling me out of the restaurant towards her motorcycle. I yank my hand out of her grip.

"What's your problem? Why did you do that!" Dinah keeps walking towards her ride.

"We can talk about this later. Get on" She says. She gets onto her motorcycle and looks over to me.

"No. We're talking about this now. What was that in there?" I ask again.

"Princess, we're not doing this right now, get on the motorcycle" She says sternly.


"Normani, now!"

"The answer is no Dinah Jane!" Dinah shrugs.

"Fine" She starts her motorcycle and revs the engine. I walk closer to her slightly.

"Are you seriously about to just ride off without talking about this?" I scoff.

"Yep. Enjoy the food with your little admirer" Dinah pulls off on her cycle and ride off. She can't be fucking serious right now? Ugh, fucking bullshit.

I throw my hands up before walking back into the restaurant, earning very few stares from some of the customers. I walk over to Dua and Kehlani who are still trying to dry Kehlani.

"Guys, I am so sorry about that" I say embarrassed.

"It's fine Mani" Dua says.

"It's not" I sigh grabbing a napkin trying to wipe down the table a bit.

"It's all good Mani. We were both pushing each other's buttons" Lani shrugs. "Maybe y'all shouldn't have left us alone that long" She jokes.

"Yeah well we thought you guys needed time alone and that a public area would restrain y'all from acting up... obviously not the case" I say wiping my hands.

"Maybe" Lani says wiping off her hands as well.

"Well I have a angry girlfriend to go talk to so I'll catch up with you guys later?"

"Do you need a ride? I heard her engine roar off" Dua asks. I sigh.

"That would be lovely actually"

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