Dinah Q&A

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Question 1:
Are you and Normani ever gonna have a stable relationship, or at least your groups are less hostile around each other? ( HailThea00  )

I'm really not sure if we'll ever have a stable relationship. I want us to, but we always clash and one of us ends up fucking up something. As for our friends, I'm not sure. Obviously Keith and Alessia like each other and Ally is always friendly but as for the other few... only time will tell.

Question 2:
Dinah, why do you and Normani hate each other so much before you guys started talking? Also, why are you such a jackass and hurt Mani that way? ( Zaniya17 )

Well we first met in third grade and I remember Normani was trying to be the teachers pet and I was not having it which I think started the feud between us. And I wouldn't call myself a jackass. Obviously saying the thing I said about Zendaya in front of her was not a good idea but I do love Normani and don't mean to hurt her in any way.

Question 3:
Dinah, why Normani so dumb? ( WilcoxBaby_ )

Well first you better watch who you're talking about because Normani's not dumb. Thanks for the question.😒

Question 4:
Are you going to beat them boys ass in front of the whole school. Like I want them to have an ass beating so bad u won't recognize who they are?? (MK_BABES )

Not in front of the whole school, but the situation will definitely be handled. Maybe when I'm done he might need plastic surgery. We'll see...

Question 5:
Dinah, do you still love Normani? Are you gonna fuck that boy? And why is your girlfriend so stupid? (missy2122 )

I love her beyond belief actually. I wish she wouldn't have cut me off at the stadium before she ran away because maybe all of this wouldn't be happening. And I think you mean fuck that boy up, but yes, Nick and I will be having a nice long chat. Also, like I said earlier to WilcoxBaby_ , Normani is not stupid and I will fight both of you

Question 6:
Okay Dinah, why do you and Normani act so oblivious to the most obvious things😂 (CaliQueen30 )

Oblivious to what? I mean, I throw hints to Normani all the time and she doesn't count on but I feel like I notice things... wait what am I oblivious to?

Question 7:
Dinah are you going to fight Nick? How do you feel about what was said in the article? You still love Mani, right? (KyraJordan )

Nick and I will definitely be have a long talk about what happened. The article was pure lies and honestly repulsive. Robinson Reveals is a shame and made to make a little boy compensate for his small dick. He just wishes his was as big as mine. Lastly, yes I still love Normani and probably always will. She's my everything.

Question 8:
What made you move on so fast from Normani? (girlofconeyisland )

With who? Ryan Destiny? That can totally be explained and I'm going to explain it to Normani. I didn't move on her from her.

Question 9:
Dinah why would you go out with Ryan you know you want Normani. Can you and Lauren get along cause y'all bringing up shit from the past and it's getting annoying. Please fight Nick's stupid ass in front of everybody at school then go to visit Normani in the hospital with your group and Normani's group and just stop the fucking drama for once. (MJ1501 )

Damn... okay. Well as I said earlier I can explain the whole Ryan thing. Secondly as I said earlier as well, I will be having a LONG discussion with Nick Robinson and...

Wait... Normani's in the hospital? I-I just saw her at school? When did this happen? I have to go. This interview is over... everyone go home!...

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