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"You can't keep me away from her anymore Ms. Hamilton. Her memories are back" Someone whispers.

"I know that Dinah, but don't you think you guys should be apart for awhile. You guys being together put us in this predicament anyways"

I open my eyes to see Dinah and my mother in a deep conversation.

"Can you guys stop arguing about me, please?" I rasp out. They both turn and look at me with soft smiles.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Andrea asks. I sit up a little and notice I'm in a hospital room.

"I'm fine. Why am I in the hospital?" I ask.

"Oh, um, well Dinah brought you here" She says. I turn and look at Dinah. She takes a step forward towards me.

"Yeah, your memories started flooding back after you almost ran a red light and you started having a panic attack. You kind of passed out in my arms so I brought you here" She states shyly.

"Could you give us a minute?" I ask turning towards Andrea. She nods.

"I'll go get the doctor" She walks out of the room leaving us two alone. I turn to Dinah and she sits down in the chair next to me and turns it towards me.

"Are you sure you're okay? No headaches or anything?" She asks concerned. I shake my head.

"I'm fine" She nods slowly. I take her hand and start drawing small patterns on it with my finger. "So-" I start. She looks at me confused. "-all my memories are back"

"Which I'm thankful for" Dinah adds.

"Me too" I smile. "But what I'm more happy about is that you love me" Dinah blushes.

"Y-Yeah that's true. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier" I shake my head.

"That is not your fault. Every time you tried to tell me I cut you off because I was afraid you would deny me" I state. "You did nothing wrong"

"I did though. At that party I made that stupid remark that hurt you. I'm so sorry for that Normani. I shouldn't have said that" Dinah says standing up next to the bed.

"Yeah, that was ourt of line, but it's okay. We're past that, alright? I'm not letting stupid stuff get in the way of my happiness with you. I'm just happy with the fact that you love me" I smile. Dinah's cheeks tint a little pink. "So you gonna kiss me or what?"

"You don't have to tell me twice, Princess" She places her hand on the side of my face slowly bringing our lips together. I smile into the kiss making her pull away. "I love you" She smiles.

"I love you too" I smile.

"And I love the fact that I have great news for you Normani" We both turn to see the doctor walk in with my mother behind him.

"And what's that?" I ask. He smiles placing his clipboard under his arm.

"We did some test and scanning and I'm pleased to say that your memories are indeed back. Your little road trip seemed to have triggered something"

"So she's okay?" Dinah asks. The doctor nods.

"From what we can tell yes, and you're free to go" He smiles. "If you have any questions feel free to call" He smiles at my mother before leaving.

"I'm going to go sign the release forms. I'll be right back" Andrea leaves again, leaving me with Dinah.

"So-" I'm cut off.

"Would you like to come over to have dinner tonight with my parents?" Dinah asks. "I know that's kind of big to ask considering everything that just happened but I'd love for you to meet them" Dinah smiles. I grab her hand and squeeze it.

Rivals // Norminah Where stories live. Discover now