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tw: gore

While Liam drove the van, searching for a motel to stay the night in, Chubs insisted that he remove the remaining glass from Clara's arms, lest they get infected and she dies. Clara thought he was being dramatic but he didn't let up so she thought it was best to surrender.

"Ouch, can you stop it?" Clara snapped at him. They had been at it for over half an hour by now and Clara's arms felt significantly worse than they had to begin with.

"Just quit moving and sit still," he said in a frustrated tone. "Besides, I wanted to thank you."

Clara froze at his words. Chubs didn't seem like the type to thank people easily and Clara couldn't think of what she did to deserve his thanks. "Why?" She asked him.

"For saving us. As much as I hate to say it, I don't know where we'd be right now if it weren't for you two. And for pushing Zu out of the way in the van and getting hit with glass shards to protect her," Chubs stated simply, his eyes focused solely on Clara's arm. She got the sense that he was avoiding her eyes.

"It was nothing, she's just a kid, she shouldn't have to be exposed to this kind of stuff," Clara said with a sigh. Truth is, Zu was probably around the same age as Eli and Clara would want someone to protect him if they could. And she meant what she said, Zu was far too young to be dealing with the types of things she did. She thought about the car crash. Ruby had explained that Zu had made another truck ram into the car, killing one of the drivers.

"No she shouldn't," Chubs said with a saddened expression, pulling the last glass shard from Clara's arm and placing it on the bloody gauze he held in his palm. "Okay, it's all out now. Just keep the area clean."

"Thanks, Chubs."

Chubs huffed, "It's Charles, Charles Carrington Meriwether IV," he started proudly. Clara let out a breathy, exhausted type of laugh, "Of course it is, well come on Meriwether, we'd better get in.," she said, jumping out of the van and walking towards the motel door.



Clara walked into the cold motel room, shivering slightly as she realised it was colder in the room than out in the night air.

"Why's it so cold in here?" Clara asked Liam who was staring at Ruby as she inspected the room. Liam's gaze snapped to Clara, wincing when he saw the wicked bruise that was blossoming on the girl's cheek.

"We can't figure out how to turn the damn AC off. I think it's just going to have to be a cold one tonight," he said, pointing at the AC unit on the wall. Clara nodded, not too bothered by that fact. She'd lived through many cold nights in Thurmond when blizzards blew through the state.

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