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( 15 一 THE END OF AN ERA. )

The silence lasted another hour or two. Ruby basking in Liam's presence while Chubs and Clara lay quietly on the bunk bed. Periodically, Clara checked to see if the guards were still standing outside the door. They always were.

Suddenly the cabin door burst open, Clara jolting upwards in shock. There stood Lizzie, the girl from the kitchens, her hands soaked in blood. She was sobbing hysterically, frantically trying to get Ruby to follow her.

"Help! Please Ruby, you have to help. It's Clancy, he's hurt. There was so much blood!"

Clara stared at her, knowing Ruby wasn't stupid enough to not see the trap.

"Don't even think about it, Ruby. It's a trap, you know it is," Chubs told her. Ruby stared at him, conflicted. "I know it's a trap but what if I can stop him? I'm stronger than he thinks," Ruby tells him. Clara shakes her head fiercely, unable to speak but opposing the idea greatly. Ruby had improved a lot that was true but Clancy had years of practice on her.

"Don't you dare," Chubs said to her but Ruby was already flying out the door, following Lizzie straight into Clancy's waiting arms.

So they waited again, stewing in their own frustration. Loud crashes could be heard from outside the cabin, Clara and Chubs trying to open the door but finding it locked again. Staring through the small window, they could see the guards were gone, but PSF's were swarming the camp. Helicopters were flying overhead, structures already burning around them.

Mike and a few other boys appeared at the door, unlocking it. They ran inside, picking Liam up and pulling him away, despite their protests.

"The camp's under attack, we'll grab Liam, okay? Don't even try to argue, you know you can't carry him," Mike told them. And it was true, they could help Liam. So they watched helplessly as he was dragged out into the chaos.

"We need to get Ruby," Chubs told her. Clara nodded in agreement and they stepped outside, trying to get to Clancy's office.

The camp was in ruins, PSF's rounding kids up, fire burning everything, smoke billowing. Screams could be heard from every direction. It was complete and utter anarchy. Chubs and Clara kept to the shadows, avoiding all the major groups.

At one point a PSF exited one of the cabins they were about to pass. His back was to them so Clara crept forwards, reaching her hand around to brush against the sliver of exposed skin, just under his helmet. When she touched it she slipped into his mind, pushing the illusion of empty space in front of him. She silently waved Chubs forwards, holding the ilusion for a second longer before slipping past herself.

When they reached Clancy's office Chubs pushed open the door with his Blue abilities, not waiting a second before sending Clancy flying into the wall behind him, kitchen supplies raining down on top of him.

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