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( 41 一 THE RANCH. )

They drove through the night to reach the Ranch, an old compound of the League, rain pouring down the entire journey. It wasn't until the sun started peeking over the trees that it finally slowed into a drizzle. Zu had ridden in Vida's car, remaining asleep and tucked into Clara and Chubs' side for the drive. She'd passed up travelling in Cole and Ruby's truck with her other friends in favour of staying with her family. Clara was secretly glad of that.

Kylie, a girl Zu was travelling with explained why they weren't in California with Zu's uncle. First off, her uncle wasn't even there but there was also an incident that occurred not long after they'd arrived. Clara noticed the way Zu's entire face seemed to crumble when it was mentioned and decided it probably wasn't wise to probe and poke about it.

In turn, Clara and Liam explained what happened at East River and the League. The kids were crushed to hear about what happened at East River, understandably so.

The Ranch was located in Lodi and due to the distance, they had to travel Vida couldn't drive for the entire journey. They rotated seats numerous times, ending the drive with Vida and Clara together in the back seat.

"Long time no see stranger," Clara said with a smile as Vida slid in next to her. Vida gave her a brief look before returning her gaze to the passing road. Clara felt hurt biting at her heart, ignoring it and instead reasoning that Vida must just be tired. As if trying to convince herself of this Clara reached over, grasping Vida's hand in her own. It was a test, Clara knew it was. A test to see if Vida was truly mad or if Clara was simply reading into things as she so often did.

Clara had her answer when Vida rolled her eyes and disentangled their hands. Clara didn't try to talk to her again.

It was past midnight when they arrived at the Ranch, the stars shining and the wind chilling them all. The Ranch was disguised in a bar, a bright yellow sign shining on the roof reading Smiley's Pub. Cole led them all around the back into a dim and groggy alleyway where a door was located. It had an electronic lock attached and Cole input the code.

The door led to a dark room, " It's a long way down," Cole said over his shoulder. "Anyone afraid of heights? The dark? Nah, of course not. You guys are champs. Just be careful, you hear?"

Clara felt a bite of panic. Another tunnel. When Clara stared down the long, dark tunnel all she could think of was Jude. Of her mistake. Her fatal mistake.

It was almost instinctual. The way Clara moved towards Vida, searching for the type of comfort only she could provide. She'd already moved three paces towards her before halting. Because Vida was mad at her. For some unknown reason, Vida was mad and didn't want to be around her. Clara pretended that didn't break her heart and moved to stand with Chubs.

It was dank and grimy in the tunnel but Clara pushed on. It didn't take long for Chubs to notice the girl's look of distress, reaching back to hold her hand in his. Clara held on like it was a lifeline. When they reached the end of the tunnel Clara sent him a grateful smile.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄⼁VidaWhere stories live. Discover now