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"I don't know anything. Please, I don't know anything," Clara begged fruitlessly. It was a lie. She knew it, they probably did too, but it hurt so badly. She just wanted it to stop.

Despite everything. Despite the electrocution and the White Noise and the hunger, Clara didn't tell them anything. She'd been reduced to begging but she never told them anything. She wouldn't let herself. They'd tempt her. Try and bribe her with food, with pain relief. But she wouldn't take the bait.

"Just tell us what you know and it can all stop, three-two-eight-nine."

That damned number. His damned voice. He smelt of stale alcohol and cigarettes, a combination Clara found particularly nauseating.

Tears coated Clara's cheeks, sobs spilling from her lips. "I don't– I don't know anything."

The man tsked like he always did, "Very well, I believe you, three-two-eight-nine." He was mocking her. Clara knew he was.

Pain shot through her again, frying every nerve, every cell within her body.

Please, Clara begged in her mind. She didn't know who she was begging.


Days were long. Nights were longer. Ruby would trail the hallways, the emergency exit lights guiding her way. She'd toss and turn, plagued by nightmares of Jude, of Blake, of Clara before eventually pulling herself from the covers of her bunk and exiting the ever increasingly suffocating room.

In her nightmares Ruby would be standing in the woods she first escaped the League in, watching as the PSF's caught her. They'd place a muzzle over her head and she'd be kicking and screaming, begging Ruby to save her, but Ruby couldn't move. She'd be stuck in place, her legs unmoving. She'd call out to Clara but she had no voice. She'd try to invade their minds but her abilities would be gone, she was powerless.

Eventually, a gun would appear in Clara's hand. She'd press it against the side of her head, just like Liam said she did. Sometimes she'd pull the trigger and Ruby would wake with a ragged gasp. Other times she'd pull the trigger and nothing would happen and Ruby would be left wondering if it would be better if there was a bullet in the cartridge.

She'd started losing stretches of time. Waking up in a meeting with Cole when she thought she'd been in the Atrium. She put it down to stress, the headaches too.

She'd been meeting with Clancy despite her disdain for him. She'd pry into his mind and dig around for information, anything useful. Thurmond, blackout facilities, testing programs. They didn't know where she was, if she was even alive, but they'd all unanimously decided that the best course of action was to continue with their plan. Maybe if they brought down President Gray they would find her.

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