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( 18 一 LIAM 2

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( 18 一 LIAM 2.0. )

The extraction team had crept up to the entrance of the blackout facility where Prisoner 27 was being held. There was a PSF guarding the door so Clara was sent forwards, one task required of her.

She watched her step as she walked towards him, staying as quiet as possible. She crouched down, lifting a small stone from the floor, sending it flying onto the cobblestone on the side opposite to her. The guard's head snapped to the sound and the second he did Clara pounced forwards. Her hand only had to brush against the man's neck and she was in. As soon as she was she masked the sensation of her hand on his skin. Next she focused on displaying the illusion of a young girl with blonde hair and pigtails, one she had seen prancing around in his memories. "Daddy!" She called with a child-like squeal. The man couldn't pull his eyes off her. Finally, Clara masked the sound of the extraction team's footsteps.

The entire process took less than a few seconds. Once inside they split up, the senior agents going down the stairs to the cells while the PSI stayed upstairs to guard the entrance. Clara and Vida were positioned on the top level, Ruby being the only PSI that was taken downstairs with the rest of the team.

Suddenly, Clara could feel a blast come from below her feet, hot air bellowing through the enclosed space. Seconds later, the scaffolding that was holding up the platform both Vida and Clara were standing on collapsed. They had to make a jump for a nearby stairwell, making it just before the metal hit the ground.

But that wasn't possible, Clara had just confirmed their position to Rob through the comms mere seconds prior to the explosion. He knew they were standing there. That explosion could have killed them. Why would he set it off?

It was complete chaos, the opposite to what was supposed to be a silent, in-and-out mission. Rob had fucked the whole thing up. Smoke was quickly filling the space, filtering through Clara's lungs. She only had the red emergency lights to aid her.

Clara had lost sight of Vida after the blast, so finding her was her primary concern.

"Clara!" Vida called, her voice coming from behind Clara. She spun around, finding Vida on the floor, struggling against a man with a gun that was dangerously near her head. Clara ran forwards, wrapping her hand around the man's neck and entering his mind.

Latching on to a specific memory, one of a mother scolding a younger version of the man in front of her, Clara made the women in the memory appear in Vida's place. The man reeled back in shock, releasing Vida from his hold instantly.

"Mom? What ar—" his voice was cut off by a gunshot, his body slumping forwards onto Vida, who was now splattered in his blood. She struggled slightly to push his body off herself as Clara turned the safety on her gun back on.

"Thanks," Vida muttered. Clara got the sense that Vida wasn't thrilled she had to ask for help. Vida and Clara stood and looked around to get their bearings on the situation. That's when Clara noticed that figures with black hoods over their heads were being led out a back exit by guards. An exit that hadn't been marked on any of the League's maps.

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