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"Get off me!" Clara screeched, kicking and scratching at any part of their body she could reach. "Stop, stop! It's me," said a low voice, Clara could detect a slight southern lilt.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" She asked incredulously, still trying to fight her way out of their grasp. They had pushed her up against a wall, holding onto her wrists. Unfortunately for them, they had left her legs free. Clara kicked her leg into their crotch with all the strength she could muster.

Clara heard a muffled yelp before her captor crumpled to the ground. Then a small light turned on. "I taught you that move, good use of it. I'm glad to see you're learning."

Clara looked over to see Vida standing casually in the corner. "Vida? What the hell are you doing in here?" Clara asked. She looked down to see who it was that grabbed her. "Cole? What the fuck?"

Cole scoffed, "You what the fuck? Me what the fuck. Why would you kick me so hard, that's the second time today," he said while collecting himself off the floor.

"Why would you grab me and drag me into a broom closet instead of just asking me to come inside. And what happened the first time?" Clara asked.

Cole jabbed a sharp finger in Vida's direction who simply shrugged. "Well, you deserve that if you're dragging unsuspecting girls into broom closets," Clara told him.

"Jesus you're almost as much of a pain in the ass as this one," Cole said with a huff. He stood there staring at Clara with a scrutinising gaze while she waited for him to start talking.

"Well? Care to explain," Clara asked.

"Right, well I'm assuming Gem explained everything to you during your little closet rendezvous?" Cole asked. Clara noticed how Vida scowled slightly at the mention of Ruby, or at least she assumed he was referring to Ruby. She hadn't had a closet rendezvous with anyone else recently.

"Yeah, she did. The plan for the camps, the flash drive, Liam getting his stupid ass almost caught," Clara listed out to him. Cole let out a low chuckle at the last one, "Yeah well that's Lee for you, so I take it you know him as well?"

"Obviously," Clara huffed at him.

"Okay well, then I assume you know that Gem's going to break off from the League to try and find the drive then?" Clara snuck a quick look at Vida, not one hundred percent sure if she would snitch or not. Her loyalty for Cate ran deep.

"Don't worry Pumpkin, I won't snitch on your little girlfriend," Vida sneered at her. Clara sent her a confused glance, they were perfectly fine a few hours ago, what changed?

"Uh yeah, I know," Clara said before turning to Cole. "I have to stay here for Jude and Nico."

"Nope, change of plans, Sweetheart. You and Vida will probably be asked to help lead the search since you two know her so well. When you leave I need you two to split and help her find the drive. Cate's in on this as well so don't worry about that. We'll protect greenie and beanpole."

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