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Clara could feel the temperature drop the further underground they ventured. The air was musty, mustier than a few levels up anyway. Clara had the privilege of avoiding this area for the months they'd stayed at the League, just a handful of situations when they had required her particular skill set.

She previously thought it was because they found Ruby's abilities more useful, but after finding out they thought she was unstable she wasn't so sure.

They walked her past the numerous cells, the occasional hand sticking through the bar in hopes of a scrap of food. There were another set of guards at the end of the hallway, blocking a door. The guards stepped aside as they walked up to them, pushing the doors open to allow them entry.

Clara was directed to a table and forced to sit in a chair. Apparently, they didn't think she was a threat because they left her hands free. Ironic considering she was arguably one of the most dangerous people in that dungeon.

Clara sat in silence, observing the damp room for a few minutes until the doors were pushed open again. Alban, some of his advisors, Cate and Cole marched into the room and occupied the remaining seats set up against the opposing wall. A final agent walked into the room and took the seat opposite her.

He was tall with dark hair and a deep pink scar that ran across his cheek. Clara's guess was that he was ex-military, he had that same bulky look like the others, like Rob. She could feel the gaze and glares of the other inhabitants of the room on her face but she tried her best to ignore them.

"Would you say you are close with Agent Daly?" the man in front of Clara asked. His voice was low and gruff as if he had been breathing in stale air for too long. He probably has.

Clara thought through her answer. She needed the interrogation to end on her terms, to get out of the mess she was in and on the search party team. She needed to show that she didn't agree with what Ruby had done. That she was on the league's side.

"We were close," Clara told him.

"You were close? Not anymore," he asked in the same monotone voice.

"Well, after all this, I just don't know anymore. I trusted her, I thought we were on the same page. I just can't believe she'd do something like this. I mean, sure, neither of us wanted to be here to begin with but I've grown to trust the League and I thought she had too,"Clara told him. "She used to talk about how proud she was to be helping," she continued, sniffling at the end.

Chancing a glance at the other in the room she could tell they didn't believe her. After years of bottling up her emotions, only crying silently in private, Clara had perfected the art of crying on demand. A skill that had not been very useful up until that moment.

Clara felt a small tear drip down her face, others following in its wake. She sniffled again, her hands wiping away the tears. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying. It's just, I can't believe she'd throw something like this away. We have a chance to make real change here." Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit.

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