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The days after Zu left felt unbearably long. Chubs was more miserable than Clara had ever seen him, Liam had thrown himself completely into watch duty and Ruby was focused on mastering her abilities more than ever.

Clara just moped everyday. She'd drag herself to watch and wait till it ended before meeting Chubs down by the dock off one of the blocked off paths. They'd sit there in silence together for hours, watching the ducks. Clara knew the others were hurting as well but it felt like Chubs was the only one who was as consumed by it as Clara.

And still, she couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped. On one of the rare occasions that Chubs spoke when they sat on the dock he started comparing East River to the camps. Told when to eat, when to sleep, what to wear, forced to work. Clara didn't feel like she was forced to work. But then she thought of the girl on garden duty, talking about punishment for not working. And suddenly watch duty didn't feel so voluntary. It wasn't an honour anymore.

It was getting harder to ignore every day. Every time they called lights out or someone reminded her to wear black the urge to flee grew stronger.

But it was Clancy. He wouldn't hurt anyone, not unless they deserved it. He only hurt people who deserved it. Clara found herself running through a list in her head of every person she'd seen Clancy manipulate while in the lab.

That nurse had deserved it, so had the scientist, the Red boy had hurt Nico, the Yellow girl was in the way, the Green boy didn't give him his piece of bread...

As Clara went down the list she found it less and less justifiable. She was reminded of that time in the cafeteria.

The Yellow girl was taking too long getting her food so Clancy pushed his way into her mind, he forced her legs to trip over themselves. If you lost your food that was on you, they didn't give you more.

"Clancy likes to control people, Clara," Poppy whispered, her eyes trained on the boy who was smiling at the scene. "He'd control you too if you let him," she turned to look at Clara gravely. "Don't let him."

Don't let him. Was Clancy controlling her now?


Clara had collected her food and was sitting against one of the logs, Chubs slumped down next to her. Liam was pacing, his food long forgotten.

"Where is she?" He muttered. His eyes hadn't stopped scanning the area, searching for Ruby in the crowd.

"She probably just got caught up doing something Lee, relax it'll be fine," Clara told him, but she too felt uneasy.

Before long everyone was swarmed around the dining area, bowls full with steaming pasta. Chubs, Lee and Clara stood anxiously, searching the crowd for any sign of the missing girl. "What if Chubs and I go wait by the cabin? If she shows up we'll come get you," Clara offered. Liam nodded distractedly, his eyes still searching.

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