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Ruby and Chubs had cracked the code to East Rivers location while everyone was asleep so as soon as people woke up, they were on the road again.

"How did you guys even figure it out?" Liam asked curiously. This sent Chubs into a long-winded explanation about all the different codes he had tried before Ruby had suggested a radio frequency.

Clara was in the back of the van passing the time by playing go fish with Suzume. Eventually Ruby and Liam started yelling at each other, Liam noticeably louder. A second later Liam was swerving the car into a rest stop, jamming on the brakes and slamming the door behind himself with nothing but a muffled "Be right back."

Chubs looked just as stunned as everyone else in the van. "That was... dramatic," he said. Clara couldn't disagree, it was very dramatic.

"You should probably follow him," Chubs said, looking at Ruby.

"What should I say?" Ruby asked.

Clara sighed from the back seat, "Do you really need him to spell it out for you?" Ruby still looked confused but she jumped out anyway, following Liam's path of anger and frustration.

"What was that about?" Clara asked Chubs. He sighed softly, "Ruby opened Jack's letter." Oh. Jack Fields, their friend from Caledonia who had died during the escape. Chubs had explained shortly a few days ago that they wrote a letter to be delivered to their parents in case they never made it out. Liam and Chubs had been trying to locate Jack's father to deliver his letter.

Not wanting to waste the unexpected pit stop, Clara stood up making her way to the van door. "I'm just gonna stretch my legs, call if you need anything alright?"

Chubs sighed softly to himself, "Yes because we're entirely incapable to make it five minutes without your constant surveillance," he grumbled. Clara rolled her eyes at him while Zu giggled.

It was nice outside, out of the stuffy van and in the fresh air. Despite being outside a lot of the time, the air at Thurmond never felt fresh. It was just as suffocating as inside any building. So Clara liked to enjoy the air when she could, to be grateful for her freedom.

Her thoughts strayed to Sam and her Cabin mates as they so often did. Clara had been out of Thurmond so long she'd lost track of the schedule. At the start she would try and keep up with what she would have been doing had she still been inside but she ended up losing track.

Clara had sunk so deep into her mind that she didn't even hear the shuffling coming from the van, not until she heard a strangled yell that couldn't have come from anyone but Chubs. Clara shot to her feet, sprinting to reach the van as she noticed Ruby and Liam close behind her.

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