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( 44 一 GUNMETAL.  )

The drive to St Helena wasn't long but Lee and Clara still divided driving duties between themselves. When they arrived at the house the kids were suspected to be squatting in it was around midday, the sun blazing as it beat down on them.

The house was in a small neighbourhood, one that from the looks of things had been abandoned. The houses were all boarded up, for sale signs stuck in the dishevelled front gardens. Most likely because of the recession.

The house the kids were supposedly in was at the end of the cul-de-sac. Clara could imagine the nuclear family that would have lived there before everything changed. The once groomed garden was overgrown, the red paint peeling from the front door.

The four of them crept towards the house, eyes peeled for any movement. They didn't know if the kids were armed, nor what abilities they had. Clara signalled for Zahara and Liam to go around the back with her hand. The last thing they needed was for the kids to sneak out and get caught by someone else.

Clara and Tex made their way towards the front door, guns drawn but the safety still on. When they reached the door Clara tried the handle, finding the door unlocked. That was a good sign that they had the right house.

Two slowly crept into the house, guns raised. They checked each room as they passed. If the floor plans in Clancy's file were correct all that was left was another bedroom and a bathroom. Once the bathroom was cleared the two neared the bedroom door.

Pushing open the door Clara made her way into the room slowly, freezing at the press of a gun against her head.

"Drop it," a harsh voice said.

"Fat chance," Clara heard Tex say, hearing him flick his safety off, no doubt aiming his gun at the boy.

"Tex," Clara said harshly. She slowly started lowering her gun to the ground and pulling the other from the holster at her thigh. The second it was on the floor and Clara had stood back up a small body scampered forwards and grabbed the guns. They looked young, twelve at most.

"Now you," the boy said, keeping his gun on Clara as he spoke to Tex. When Clara didn't hear movement she called Tex's name again, "Drop it Tex."

The sound of a gun being dropped on the floor echoed through the room. The curtains were drawn making it hard to see anything but Clara could make out at least five figures in the room, most of which were crouched on the floor.

"We're here to help, we're kids too," Clara said, mainly to the boy holding the gun to her head.

"Prove it," the kid said.

Tex placed his hand against a light switch on the wall and which sent the light flickering on. Seemingly content with the proof the boy switched the safety on but kept the gun aimed. "What do you want and how did you find us," he asked.

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