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( 31 一 THE SLIP KID. )

"Okay, nice and easy now, Sweetness. Put your hands behind your head, I see you move a muscle and Ginger over there gets a bullet to the brain."

The boy in front of Clara had shaggy blonde hair and slightly buck teeth. The nickname made shivers crawl up her spine. She decided that for the meantime she'd do what he said, there was only one of him so far. One kid she could handle. Easy.

Clara slowly pulled her hands up to rest on the back of her head as the boy trained his gun on Jude who was whimpering next to her. Clara had no idea what Vida was doing but judging by the fact that the boy in front of her didn't have a cracked skull she had to assume she was being held at gunpoint as well.

"Now spin around for me, and walk towards your little friend over there," the boy said, nodding his head behind Clara in the direction she knew Vida was. "You too Ginger."

Clara did as he said, spinning slowly towards Vida. And she was correct, other boys had made it out into the clearing now, all armed with guns. As Clara attempted a quick head count she noticed there must be at least eight or nine of them.

Clara locked eyes with Vida, her face was clenched into a look of pure anger. Vida started tapping her finger against her head. She tapped it ten times, ten boys. Clara tilted her head down ever so slightly to tell her she got the message.

Clara could feel Jude dropping down to his knees beside her, his arms held in the same position as her own. Clara started combing through the boys, picking out the weak from the strong. They all had surprisingly large builds considering food was scarce. One was missing a finger on his firing hand while another walked with a limp.

Clara tried to work it out in her head, how she could disarm the boy behind her, slip into his head, and get them out of that mess. If her powers didn't work she could always use the boy as leverage.

But all her planning came to a stop as the cold click of a gun's safety being flicked off sounded. But it wasn't Clara's head that the gun was pointed at, nor was it Jude's.

A boy had pressed the butt of his gun up against the side of Vida's head. His body was focused on keeping Vida down and the gun pressed against her but his eyes were trained on Clara. "I don't know what you're doing girl, but I suggest you stop before I blow this one's brains out across the snow."

Clara swallowed thickly at his words, not in fear, but in pure blinding anger. The kind she hadn't felt since their escape from East River. Clara glowered at him, keeping her eyes on him as he kept his on her.

"Pat them down, we're taking them back to camp. Jett, Riggs, Aiden and Max, you scan the surrounding area," one of the larger boys said. By the way not a single boy objected to his demands or even looked his way when he spoke, Clara assumed he was the leader.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄⼁VidaWhere stories live. Discover now