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( 17 一 TRAINING. )

In order to be classified as an active field agent Ruby and Clara were required to undergo training. Once they were activated they would be able to attend Op's. To set their base level they were required to participate in a fight with Instructor Johnson. As expected, they both performed miserably, lasting less than thirty seconds in hand-to-hand combat with him and left the training centre with bruises that lasted days.

They proceeded to test them across a range of skills; self defence, gun use and maintenance, knife throwing, stamina. It was brutal work and Clara found it exhausting. They also tested their abilities, wanting to see the full scope of their capabilities.

Every few days, one of Alban's advisors would ask one of the two girls to follow them to the interrogation room which was more of a small, dingy cell. From there they would be asked to dig, and prod and exhibit all of their abilities. The victims, or traitors as the League put it, were always strapped down with hoods over their faces.

Clara felt awful every time she left the room, hating everything they made her do. Since she couldn't exactly erase memories like Ruby could, they'd ask her to display how her illusions could affect people. Ruby despised the work as well, and since both were ashamed of the things they did in that room, it became a bit of a taboo topic between the two.


After a few lessons it was clear that Clara was progressing faster than Ruby was. This meant that Ruby started having individual lessons with Instructor Johnson, leaving Clara instructorless. To remedy this, Clara was paired with the next best available option. This explained why Clara found herself pinned under Vida, her head being mashed in the hard, only slightly padded floors.

Instructor Johnson had paired Clara with the best PSI agent they had, meaning Vida. She was ruthless and efficient with her training and Clara could tell she wanted to be in this situation just as much as her by the way she would try her hardest to leave Clara covered in bruises with aching bones every session. Vida only agreed to train Clara after Cate had asked her.

They spent hours together every day which didn't affect Vida's attitude in the slightest. She was still just as vicious and hostile to Clara as ever. After the incident in Cate's room she seemed to have taken a firm dislike to Clara. But Clara liked to think she took a firm dislike to everyone.

And even though it was hard, Clara found herself enjoying her time training. It was a chance to get her mind off everything, to only focus on the threat in front of her. Plus, she could feel her muscles growing, her stamina increasing. She was getting stronger and she supposed she had Vida to thank for that.

"Hurry the fuck up, my dead grandma could run faster than you," Vida ever-so-lovingly screamed into Clara's ear as she ran on the treadmill. Clara had been on it for at least an hour with no breaks. Every time she attempted to slow down Vida would just press the button to speed it up.

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