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The private jet they used to enter LA was luxurious, to say the least. Clara was honestly surprised people still had the money for things like that. Apparently, Nico had helped Clancy hack their Chatter line, he had been feeding Clancy League intel for months. To say Clara was hurt was an understatement. She had never felt so betrayed. After everything Nico still sided with him.

Clancy had told them how Jarvin had overthrown Alban. He also mentioned how they were planning to go through with their plan of blowing up the PSI kids. They would use Greens, the least useful in their eyes. Despite how hurt Clara was by Nico's actions she was still worried beyond belief. Nico was a Green meaning there was a good chance he would be on one of those buses heading to a camp.

It had taken a few hours but they finally found their way in LA, standing out the back of a secret entrance into the League. After minutes of looking, they found a disguised door, Ruby's flashlight illuminating the graffiti covering it. Ruby ran her hand along it looking for a handle but came up empty. A second later she pushed her shoulder against and the door swung inwards with a scrape on concrete against concrete.

Ruby grabbed Clancy by his shirt and pushed him forwards. "You first," she snarled.

It was dark and grimy in the tunnel. Without the flashlights, they wouldn't have been able to see two feet in front of their faces. It smelt awful, a mixture of rat shit and something that smelt distinctly like sulphur.

"After this, we're all bathing in bleach," Chubs said. "And burning these clothes."

Clara snorted softly, "I won't object to that."

"Time?" Ruby called. Clara could see Vida look down at her watch out of the corner of her eye. "Three fifty-three."

That meant they only had seven minutes to reach the end of the tunnel if they wanted to start at four as they planned. They all walked a bit faster after that. Liam shined his flashlight towards the end of the tunnel and unlike all the other times when the light would be swallowed by the darkness something flashed back at them. A metal door was illuminated, a lock pad on the wall next to it.

"Okay, this is it," Ruby said. "Vida, start the clock. Fifteen minutes, in and out. Everyone remember what you're doing?"

They all confirmed her question as Jude pressed past to get to the door. Clara made her way to stand next to Vida, pressing a soft kiss against her lips, "We'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time." Vida nodded down at her, pressing a chaste kiss against her forehead.

"Any sign of trouble for you is the only excuse I need to use this," Ruby said while pressing her gun against Clancy's skull. "The only excuse I need to leave your body down here to be eaten by the rats."

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