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Clara was beyond exhausted, so was Liam. Watch duty meant shift work. Staying up through the night and sleeping during the day, reversing their natural clock twice a week. It left her sluggish and in dire need of a nap 24/7.

One of the only good things about it was the time Clara spent with Olivia. They'd make each other laugh, keep the other awake when midnight had long since passed. They'd sit in their tree, watching the surroundings and talk and talk and talk.

Olivia preferred being called Liv, but only by her friends even though everyone called her Liv. Before everything happened she'd lived with her Dad and her two sisters, both of which had succumbed to IAAN before she had developed her Blue abilities. Her dad had dropped her off at a police station to be taken by the PSF's but she ran before they got there. From there she spent a few years on the road, between groups, until she met Clancy and Hayes.

Her favourite fruit was mango but she hadn't had one in years and when she was growing up she wanted to be a painter until she realised she had very few artistic abilities.

Liv already knew Clara was an Orange, apparently the gossip of two new Oranges had spread around the camp like wildfire. It was refreshing for it not to be a secret, that Clara for once didn't have something to hide.

Because whenever Clara wasn't on shift it felt like she was sleeping she began to really miss everyone, especially Ruby. Whenever she wasn't working Ruby would be in lessons with Clancy and vice versa. So when she caught Ruby just before she entered the showers it was a surprise.

Ruby looked beyond stressed and very upset.

"Ruby!" Clara called, running to catch her before she stepped inside the washroom. Ruby whirled around, her eyes catching on Clara. It looked like her whole body slumped in relief. "Woah, you alright?" Clara asked her.

"Yeah it's just, I forgot to do this favour for Chubs and he's so mad at me. I feel like the worst friend ever," Ruby said. Clara could tell she felt guilty, probably more guilty than was necessary but that was just Ruby. She tended to blame herself a lot.

"What was the favour?" Clara asked her.

"He wanted me to ask Clancy if he could use his computer to contact his parents and I completely forgot. I've just been so caught up in the lessons," she said.

Clara started walking towards the bathroom building with Ruby beside her, "Just ask him then, I'm sure he'd say yes. How are the lessons going by the way? Do you feel like you're controlling it better?"

"In a way. It's easier to use them, to enter someone's mind but stopping myself from entering a mind isn't getting easier. Like, when I feel that tingle at the base of my head I know if I don't get away I won't be able to stop it," she explained. "Clancy said that would stop with time, when I had a better control of my abilities overall."

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