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Time was distorted in Clara's cell. It could have been twenty minutes or three hours and she wouldn't have known. With nothing to do, she just counted the seconds as they passed, listening to any slight movement from the other side of the door.

her muscles ached from their prolonged lack of movement other than the jolts of shock when the chains rattled next door. Clara couldn't for the life of her figure out what it could be that was making that noise.

To make matters worse she also didn't know how long she had been knocked out for and she couldn't exactly see or feel the extent of the damage to her head. For all Clara knew she could have a concussion which would really fucking suck. She'd have to get Chubs to look at it when they found him.

Clara clenched her eyes shut as noise came from the room next to her again.It was beyond irritating and she couldn't get more than thirty seconds of silence at a time. It was making her head throb even more. It had also been getting increasingly warmer in the room, Clara could feel sweat gathering on her brow. After the constant freezing cold it had been a welcome surprise but the relief didn't last when the temperature kept rising.

Clara was jolted from her tense state by the sound of cheering. Loud, hungry cheering. The type you'd hear at a football game when the favourite team walks out. The familiar chains came next, accompanied by the click of the lock next door. It sounded like they were dragging whatever was locked in there out to the crowd.

The cheering confused Clara for a number of reasons. One, because there weren't enough kids in the warehouse when she was there to make that much noise, and two, because why the fuck would kids be yelling that freaking loud when they all looked miserable the last time she saw them.

The cheers quietened down and that's when Clara heard the first distinct voice since being locked up in the hell hole of a closet. Knox's voice was booming through the warehouse but it was a little distorted like he was shouting from far away. Clara could make out a few words like initiation, powers and fight. That didn't fill her with confidence.

And knowing Vida, she would probably be dead centre of a fight.

The room was getting more and more humid. The stuffy air made it hard for Clara to get a breath into her lungs around the gag in her mouth. Whatever heat that was entering from outside was getting trapped in the room.

Finally after what felt like hours the crashes and grunts from outside stopped. That was when Clara made out the second distinct voice since being locked up. Ruby's voice filtered through her ears with the same slightly distorted quality as Knox's. Clara didn't know whether to be glad or worried that Ruby was there, meaning Chubs probably was too.

The heat of the room was overwhelming at that point. Clara was dripping in sweat, ew, and she felt like she was going to pass out any second. However, that could be because of several reasons; her possible concussion, the sweltering heat or the use of my powers from earlier. She was crossing her fingers for the last one because at least she knew that wouldn't have any lasting effects.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄⼁VidaWhere stories live. Discover now