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When Lilian's eyes finally lost that clouded look, when she could properly focus on the things around her, Clara could feel them looking at her. That familiar fear crawled up her spine, the inexplicable need to curl into herself, to shy away, overtook Clara. But she resisted, standing tall and staring bravely into Lilian's eyes. She'd let the woman see her monstrous acts hadn't broken her, despite her best efforts.

Underneath it all though was overwhelming guilt, slowly bubbling up. She'd betrayed all who died on those metal tables and they would never forgive her for what she'd done.

Lillian was shaking with tears as she sat on the end of the bed. When she finally pulled her head out of her hands she looked into Clara's eyes.

"Thank. You." She said slowly, her eyes flitting from Clara's eyes to her shaved and scarred head. Clara glared at her. "I don't want your thanks," Clara spat. The woman physically recoiled from her and Clara could feel the others glare at her.

She didn't care. They could be disappointed by her all they wanted, she'd never forgive the woman in front of her. She probably didn't even remember the girl who helped her. Who, despite her better judgement, helped the woman who had destroyed her.

Clara marched out of the room and toward the computer room where Nico and Cole were waiting. They didn't want to overwhelm Lillian so they volunteered to stay and plan for Thurmond.

Clara could hear footsteps following her and when she turned around it was Ruby. "Clara, wait!" She called out. Reluctantly Clara slowed to a stop, waiting for Ruby to catch up.

When she reached her Ruby placed a hand on Clara's arm, "I just wanted to thank you. I know that couldn't have been easy but it means a lot," she said. Clara could see it was sincere and in response let out a harsh breath, letting the anger leave her body with it.

"It's the right thing, as much as it hurts me it had to be done," Clara said quietly. Ruby nodded in silence, agreeing with the girl. They needed the cure and it wasn't fair to withhold it just because of Clara's personal grievances.

"Has Cole updated you on the Thurmond hit?" Ruby asked. Clara shook her head, "He's refusing to tell me what's happening because he doesn't think I'll be ready in time for the hit."

As Clara was talking to Ruby about Thurmond the realisation that she hadn't told Ruby about the photos they'd shown her in the Blackout facility dawned on her. She tensed, dreading what she had to say next.

"Ruby, when I was in the blackout facility they showed me some photos," Clara started tentatively. Ruby looked at her, her eyebrows creased with worry. "It was Thurmond. Ruby, they killed Ashley."

In a second Ruby's face melted into one of grief, "I know, Amplify spread the photos." Ashley's death still felt raw, a wound that would never heal.

"I was going to go to Clancy about it, see if he lied, if the plans to close the camp had been moved forward," Ruby said. Clara paused, her eyebrows creasing in confusion.

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