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tw: gore

Eventually Ruby had relaxed enough to pass out, Clara following not long after. They were both exhausted, but not the kind you could wipe away with a nap. They were a, sleep for a thousand years and still be tired, kind of exhausted.

When the Betty finally stopped and Chubs woke them up they had arrived at some kind of deserted caravan park. Liam had explained how they were looking for East River, some kind of community for any remaining kids. That it was run by the Slip Kid who was supposedly an Orange.

Liam, Zu and Chubs run into some kids during their travels who gave them some very vague clues as to the location of the camp. Liam had taken them to the caravan park just to check it off the list. It was a bust, as expected but as they were searching Ruby had found a black camera, similar to the ones that haunted Thurmond.

Not wanting to take any chances they drove off as fast as they could, leaving the park as nothing but a speck in the rearview mirror.

Everyone settled down into their seats, Ruby beside Clara in the back, Zu across from them. Ruby still made sure to keep a distance between herself and the others. Clara slipped into a peaceful stupor, one that slipped between sleep and wakefulness.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Liam's voice brought Clara back to full alertness, just before Ruby's hand slapped on Black Betty's radio, sending it to full volume. Clara's confusion lasted for a mere second before the sharp blare of White Noise tore through the music, scratching at Clara's ears.

The others crumbled within the first five seconds. Liam curled against the steering wheel while Chubs pushed his head against the door, his hands gripping at his ears.

It didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had at Thurmond, Clara assumed it wasn't as strong as the one blasted over the loudspeakers but it was still debilitating. Driving into the deepest depths of her mind and jumbling everything around.

Chubs' door was thrown open, hands pulling at his waist. Ruby threw herself forward, clawing her hand across the man's face. It was enough to startle him, leaving Chubs half hanging out of his seat.

Soon a second man was at the van, his hands pulling open Liam's door. Clara dove forwards, just as Ruby had, and punched the him right across the face, her hand smashing the man's glasses. Oh, how she wished she could do more, but the White Noise was melting every thought before it formed leaving her no room to use her abilities.

Clara could vaguely hear Chubs screaming, Zu moaning in pain as a third man pointed a rifle at her but it was all gone the second the man with the broken glasses pushed the White Noise machine right up against Clara's ear. The sound reduced her to nothing as she collapsed against the door. Every vision of strength wiped from her limp body. She couldn't save Zu as she was dragged, kicking and screaming from the van.

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