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The tan SUV reeked of fake evergreens and everyone began complaining the second they stepped into the car. Chubs was clearly unimpressed by their 'lack of respect' claiming they wouldn't be complaining if they had smelt the man he bought the car off. And to be honest, Clara didn't doubt him on that.

Vida, Jude and Clara were seated in the back of the car, separated from the two in front by a metal grating. Vida caught one look at the grate before fighting tooth and nail to get to the front seat. Evidently, that didn't work. Now she was seated next to Clara with Jude on her other side.

"Are we driving this slowly because you have no idea where we're going or because you're hoping we'll jump out of the car and put ourselves out of our misery?" Vida asked snidely. Jude sat up alarmed, clearly picking on the "I'm bored and want to pick a fight " tone in Vida's voice. Clara inched her hand towards Vida's, wrapping their fingers together before squeezing lightly. Both for comfort and warning her not to pick on Chubs.

"That'd be doing the psychos holding your leashes a favour," Chubs gritted out.

"Chubs! Not. Helping." Clara told him with a glare.

Vida's hold on Clara's hand notably tightened in, "They are not psychos, you condescending dick!"

"I'm condescending? Do you even know what that word means?" Chubs asks her condescendingly.

"You piece of flaming-"

"Okay! That's enough of that, yeah?" Clara butt in before Vida said something that would send Chubs into a fit. Things finally settle down in the car, Vida's hold on Clara's hand loosening.

It had been minutes of peaceful, blissful silence before Jude decided to play the freaking drums on the car door. Tap, tap, tap. Over and over again, it was doing Clara's head in.

"Cut that shit out, nimrod, before I cut them off," Vida snapped at him.

"Nimrod? You don't have to be so mean you know," Jude said to her, outraged at the name he had been called.

Clara heard Ruby sigh exasperatedly from the passenger seat, "That gets you upset? That dumb name? She's been calling you Judith for months."

Chubs let out an amused chuckle, quickly turning it into a cough when he caught Ruby's glare. "Yeah, well I guess I just don't see what's so insulting about being called a girl. The three of you seem to do okay when you're not biting my head off or treating me like a five-year-old," Jude huffed.

Clara reached across Vida to rub his hair, "Awe, that's my little feminist," she cooed. Jude batted her hands away before attempting to smooth out his now dishevelled hair. Just when Clara thought they could finally settle Chubs made another comment pertaining to how Jude was supposedly a ten-year-old.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄⼁VidaWhere stories live. Discover now