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( 48 一 THE FEAR OF GOD.  )

Ruby was so royally pissed at Liam for bringing an Amplify reporter to the Oasis camp hit. He endangered all of them, including the kids they were supposed to be rescuing. Damn him. And damn herself for not being as angry with him as she knew she should have been.

Ever since Clara was captured everything had felt wrong. Liam was consumed with guilt and spent almost every waking moment in the garage. Ruby missed him. She missed Clara too. Like she'd never missed anyone before.

If she could trade places with her, Ruby would in a moment. Getting her back seemed less and less likely as time went on. The longer she was gone the less likely it would be that she'd escape.

She'd get tired, weak. The torture would take its toll and soon she'd be lost to the world. After finding out what happened to Ashely at Thurmond that fact seemed all the more real.

If they didn't pull off the Thurmond hit Clara would die, if she hadn't already. Even if they did pull it off there was always the possibility the government would kill her before they could find her. Put her down like a rabid dog.

Clara had saved her too many times for Ruby to let her die like that.


A seizure. Clara had a seizure that day in the interrogation room. The man had informed her of that fact as the guards beat on her already frail body. Hearing that was all the motivation Clara needed to get out of there. She was closer to death than she'd previously thought and she'd be damned if she let herself die there.

They'd already taken her childhood from her, she wouldn't let them steal the rest of her life from her too.

She knew she couldn't wait too long. Every day she was getting weaker, every day her chances of escaping were slimming. All she could do was wait for the perfect opportunity and plan in the meantime.

Clara decided she'd take the emergency stairs. The elevator was risky, too easy for her to get trapped in. She'd have to invade someone's mind to find the exit, she had no idea how big the place was but she had to assume it was large.

A gun would be the best weapon for obvious reasons but she'd settle for one of those cattle prods they'd used on her. Sometimes, when the lights were too bright and she would have to tuck her head under her flimsy blanket, she'd fantasise about what she was going to do to the people who kept her there. She knew it was sick, that her friends would be appalled, but they had always been better than her. There'd always been a darkness within her they didn't seem to possess.

She'd imagine the nurse tied down in her place, wires attached to her skin. How she'd scream and struggle. The smell of burnt flesh, only it wouldn't be her own for once.

She'd end the guard's lives before they even had the chance to think about striking her down. She'd paint their brains across the walls like it was art.

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