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After that fiasco, Clara decided to try and let off some steam. She made her way down to the bathrooms, wanting nothing more than to wash the feeling of that Op off her skin.

As she walked into the bathrooms Clara could feel the warm steam soothing her chill. As she made her way towards her regular stall she noticed Vida standing over by the sinks. She debated silently in her head before deciding to talk to her.

"Hey," Clara said with a smile as she walked up to her. Vida's eyes quickly flicked up to meet Clara's through the mirror reflection before focussing back on her work. Clara took notice of the bowl and pigments scattered around. "What are you doing?"

"Re-dyeing my hair," Vida said. "Cate managed to pick up some more dye for me on her last Op. I haven't had a chance to do it till now."

Clara nodded at her before turning away, feeling the conversation had come to an end. "Hey, wait," Vida called out. "Can you give me a hand? I wanna get it even," she said casually but Clara could tell that having to ask for help made her uncomfortable. The look on her face made Clara laugh slightly.

"Yeah, I'd love to."

Clara watched as Vida pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in a sports bra. Clara could feel a blush blossoming across her cheeks at the sight of bare skin. She was all lean muscle and tanned skin. Clara untucked her hair in an attempt to hide her flaming face while picking up the dye and brush.

It didn't take long to realise that the height difference was going to be an issue.

"Bend down, I can't reach the top of your head," Clara told her for the millionth time.

"My back is hurting, it's not my fault you're so fucking short," Vida huffed back at her. The funny thing was, Clara wasn't even short. Sure, she was a bit shorter than Vida but Ruby was the designated short girl in their group.

Clara could tell Vida was getting just as frustrated as she was. "Okay fine, move here." Clara pulled herself up onto the bathroom counter, pulling Vida to stand in between her legs. Clara could feel Vida's body physically tense before slowly relaxing into the position.

Clara was too focused on not dying Vida's skin bright blue to notice how close they really were. That was until she saw a red flush heating Vida's face in the mirror across the room. Clara did a double-take, no one could make Vida blush, she was as cold-hearted as a snake. Clara felt a small pull of pride in her stomach at the knowledge that she could affect Vida like that. So naturally, she decided to milk it for all its worth.

Clara pulled her hands away from Vida's hair, leaning around so she could catch a glimpse of her face. Her cheeks were coated in a subtle pink blush. "Awe, do I make little Vida nervous," Clara teased, a small laugh bubbling in her throat. "Oh shut the hell up,' Vida huffed.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄⼁VidaWhere stories live. Discover now