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You were almost in India. You were excited to be back. Muhammad had taken you there once before, only a few months after you moved to Egypt. It was supposed to be for work, but you both treated it like a vacation.

"I'm a little worried," Mr. Joestar crossed his arms. "My perception of India is a place where the only food to eat is curry, and where people constantly get sick. Is there anywhere to get a cheeseburger?"

"I know," Polnareff said. "I'm worried by body won't be able to handle the cultural gap."

Avdol laughed, "your assessment is distorted. It's a wonderful country where people live simply, that I can guarantee."

"The food isn't bad either," you add.

"I don't trust your judgement, (Y/N)," Polnareff snickered.

"It wouldn't hurt to try some spice, Frenchie."

You sighed, reaching to ruffle his hair. It didn't budge, it refused to change even a little. Every hair was still in place.

"What the hell? How much hairspray do you use?"

"Come on, we've docked in Calcutta," Muhammad interrupts the two of you.

You nod, walking down the gangway.

You practically attach yourself to Avdol, knowing how crowded things can get and not wanting to get swept away.

The second you step onto solid ground, people were drawn to you. They asked for money, offered tattoos and other services. It was chaotic.

"I stepped in cow shit!" Polnareff yelled, to which you snickered in response.

"Someone already stole my wallet," Kakyoin sighed.

"You two, this is India?" Mr. Joestar questioned, fighting his way behind you both.

"It's great, isn't it?"

Muhammad and you laughed to each other as you made your way out of the crowd.


You all found yourselves sitting at a table in the corner of a restaurant, away from the busy and overcrowded streets outside. You sat in between Kakyoin and Polnareff, attempting to console the former regarding his lost wallet.

There was still a bit of awkward tension in the air between Kakyoin and you after the hotel, but it wasn't anything the both of you necessarily cared about. There were other things to focus on, and whatever took place then wasn't one of them. It seemed like an unspoken mutual decision to ignore it.

You drank a cup of tea, and couldn't help but feel someone's aura nearby.

"There's a stand user nearby," you interrupted everyone's conversations. "Keep your guards up."

"We can't catch a damn break," Mr. Joestar huffed.

In order to change the subject, Muhammad spoke up. "India takes some getting used to, but it's nice, isn't it?"

𝐛𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲 // 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now