───── ❝ 𝟒𝟖 ❞ ─────

250 21 29

CW: Blood, Vomit, Violence


The air around you went cold, feeling like you had just been stuffed in a refrigerator.

Your blood ran thin. The air around you was suffocating.

You looked upon him.

You understood in that moment why people followed him, he presented himself with the charisma and looks of some god-like creature. However, he was anything but. He was an example of pure evil, a vision of hell on earth.

"Well done, bravo to you, Polnareff," he clapped lightly. "You managed to avenge your sister. But, what's more impressive is that you actually stuck it through to track me down. And as for you, (Y/N), I didn't expect anything less. It's in your blood, after-all. I'm not sure if it's the right time, but my, condolences for your losses."

"Shut your trap, DIO," you looked him in the eye, immediately getting the urge to look away.

The way he stared down at you made you feel so small, like nothing but a mere ant that he would take pleasure in crushing beneath his foot.

"We made it this far," Polnareff cracks his knuckles, "we might as well celebrate by killing you, here and now."

DIO laughed, "I'll be fair and give you a chance to rethink, descend two steps and I'll let you both live. I'll even go as far as to extend another invitation to serve me again. But, just know that if you choose to climb the stairs, you'll most certainly meet your doom."

You and Polnareff looked at each other, sharing a knowing glance. Whatever came from climbing the stairs, you were in it together.

"Whenever we first met," Polnareff prepared to move, "fear consumed me like a curse. I let your evil ways consume me, gave you the ability to control me like a puppet. That fear was the beginning of a futile existence with no end in sight. It was a fate worse than death. A wretched life devoid of any other desires than doing your bidding. That fear has gone. The fire in my soul has been relit, giving me only but the burning will to fight. In honor of those who died at my feet, I will never fear you again."

"You're pathetic to try and stop a force that's travelled thousands of miles from all around to eradicate you," you couldn't help but smile. "We're more dignified and powerful than you could ever dream to be. You're nothing but a fucked up, insecure, old man. You're a fool to try to stop us. We'll fight to your end and ours."

He licked his lips, still looking down on you.

"My, aren't we confident? Be my guests, climb the stairs and put your bravados to the test."

You both went to try to move, then suddenly everything froze. You could see DIO moving, it was blurry beyond belief. You couldn't move a muscle. Nothing, you couldn't blink, breathe, swallow, none of it. When you unfroze you were moved down one step.

You felt panicked, enough so that it send a chill down your spine.

"Oh? Is this your way of saying you'd rather serve me? But, you were so confident a moment ago?"

You began to run up the stairs, only to freeze and be put in the same state as before.

He dragged you down the stairs.

𝐛𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲 // 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now