───── ❝ 𝟏𝟕 ❞ ─────

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Before boarding a bus to Varanasi, Mr. Joestar pulled you aside.

"(Y/N)," he said with a rather serious tone in comparison to his usual one.

It made you nervous. It wasn't something you felt often.

You'd never feared loss this bad.

He continued, "Avdol is alive, so no need to worry. He's with the Speedwagon Foundation as we speak. You can talk to him soon once he's better, but we need to keep this quiet."

You nod.

You felt relieved, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Polnareff, as I'm sure you've figured out, has a big mouth. We can't let the secret slip, because a stand user may find out and attempt to get Avdol when he's down. Jotaro is planning is telling Kakyoin about it as we speak."

"Alright, I won't say a word."

You began to feel the weight of the situation off your shoulders.

Muhammad had a big role within the group, serving as Mr. Joestar's primary confidant as well as the encyclopedia on all things stand.

It was a role you would have to assume now. You were next in line.

"I know you won't. However his absence will make your life more difficult, seeing as you're the only one with a mind comparable to his about the knowledge of stands."

You were one step ahead of him.

"I figured. I'll do my best to fill his shoes until he's better enough to get back to us. That is if that happens before we get to Egypt, and if not, I'll see it through 'til the end."

Mr. Joestar nodded.

"He's expected to make a recovery, however there is an issue."

"What is it?"

"The coat you put under his head got ruined."

You hummed. A small price to pay for the life of your father.

"That's fine. Did you at least get the shit from my pockets?"

"Most of it.."


"Those cigarettes you won got ruined."

You sighed.

"I'll just make that french freak get me more."

Mr. Joestar smiled and patted your head after giving you back your belongings.

"I see my old partner in you, (Y/N)," he said with a sad smile.

His comment caught you off guard, not only from it being out of no where, but also from being an emotional thing to say. Mr. Joestar had recalled stories of his past and the fights he had before, but he rarely mentioned his old partner. You didn't even know his name.

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