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As you approached the Kujo household, you saw Mrs. Holly sweeping the walkway.

"Oh, my son is thinking about me right now, I just know it!"

"I'm not thinking about you, bitch."

You still couldn't fathom that he would speak to his kind and caring mother in that way.

"Jotaro! You're supposed to be at school! And, who's that?!"

"I just need to find the old man, where is he?"

"The tea room!"

You thanked her on both of your behalf, requesting she bring a medical kit to the room whenever she has the chance.

Making your way in front of Jotaro, you slide open the door to the tea room. You look behind you to see him talking with his mother.

"Hey, are you alright today? You look a bit pale."

Mrs. Kujo's face lit up, and you could feel her joy from your spot by the door. "I'm all good!"

Avdol and Mr. Joestar were doing some research on DIO's whereabouts, you interrupted. You walked in and took your jacket off, then you slumped on the wall behind where Jotaro had laid Kakyoin.

"What the hell happened?!" Mr. Joestar looked confused.

"Are you both alright?"

"We're fine, and this is one of DIO's servants. This means that he's already having people come after us."

You moved yourself forward, kneeling and placing his head on your lap. You examine his face.

"Check his forehead, (Y/N)," Muhammad instructs.

You nod, doing as he asks.

You move his hair slightly to the side, revealing a flesh bud within his forehead.

"He has one of those flesh-thingies," you inform. It wiggles slightly, causing you to almost gag. "It's definitely one of those, and it's alive."

Jotaro looks, disgusted expression across his face.

"What is that? It looks like a spider, it's nasty. Is that why he became DIO's minion?"

"Yes," Muhammad confirms. "It's a flesh bud, made of DIO's own cells. It extends down, connecting all the way into this young man's brain."

"They're small," you chime in, "but they're extremely dangerous. They can control anyone's psyche, no matter how much mental fortitude you think you have. No one is immune."

Mr. Joestar investigates before settling back down, already defeated.

"If it's in his brain, we can't remove it. Not even a skilled surgeon would be able to do something that risky, and he would die regardless!"

"I'll take care of it."

"(Y/N), it's too dangerous!"

𝐛𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲 // 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now