───── ❝ 𝟒𝟎 ❞ ─────

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You finished your paperwork with ease, dragging yourself to the bathroom. You took your bandages off, examining the bruises to the best of your ability. Your arm was completely healed, the three metal holes ran smooth across your arm. The bruising, however, had yet to subside. You still walked stiff, this definitely wasn't good.

You weren't far off from your arrival to Cairo, if you still felt like shit a couple days from now, you wouldn't be able to fight. That was not an option. You were going to fight, even if it killed you.

You walked back out, abandoning the bandages in the bathroom. You changed into your shorts and sat near the window, lighting a cigarette. The lot of them should've been back two hours ago, so where the hell were they? They were supposed to bring you back breakfast, too, but it was nearing 1:30. That's hardly even the hour for brunch.

You leaned back in your chair, yet again waiting for nearly another hour before they arrived. God, having to be patient really sucked.

You spotted them walking down the street and stood up from your chair.

"Took you damn near long enough! I'm starving up here!"

You yelled, cursing them out before you went to slide on your boots and meet them in the lobby.

"You better have brought me lunch too," you grabbed your food from Polnareff. "What happened?"

"Two separate run-ins with stand users," Mr. Joestar informs.

Muhammad clears his throat.

"Mr. Joestar and I ran into stand user Mariah, with the namesake of Bastet. Polnareff and Jotaro fought Alessi and Set."

"Gotcha, I'm glad you all are okay."

It was truly the worst. You could've been there, but you couldn't have. You could've helped, but you would've been deadweight.

"Yeah, we also know where DIO's hideout is," Jotaro announces. Muhammad hands you a Polaroid picture.

"I feel like I recognize this building, but I can't quite place it," he confesses. "Maybe you will?"

You take a good look at it, squinting before putting two and two together.

"It's about five blocks south of the shop, used to be an avid hub for illegal activity of all kinds. The cops were always going in and out. Drugs, prostitution, you name it, it was there."

"So it's that type of place," Mr. Joestar scoffs.

"Yeah," you agree. "Some killer parties took place there though. I'm going to go eat. See you all later."

You walked away. Behind you, you heard Jotaro say his goodbyes as well. You rounded the corner to the escalator and waited for him.

He popped out from around the corner, slightly smiling once he saw you.

You walked side by side, neither of you saying a word until you got to your room.

You unlocked the door, and walked in, taking your shoes off and setting your breakfast down.

He shut the door behind him, shrugging off his coat and sliding his shoes off. He sat down on his bed.

𝐛𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲 // 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now