Today the initiates move on to target training and guns. The tranfers and Dauntless born will train together since none of them has done this before. We're on the roof.
"Listen up!" I shout to get everyone's attention. They stop talking at once and look at me.
I take a deep breath and explain. "You can't defend yourself just by hand to hand combact. There's another way. It's using guns. That's what you'll learn to do, now." I thrust a gun into Henry's hands and everyone else falls into a line to get one too.
Evelyn, Tris, Lauren and I sort out the initiates and give them a target to practice on. I watch them start to fire their guns. Most of them have really good aim. Kate's aim is good too but she just can't seem to get the hang of a gun in her hand. Her bullets fly here and there.
I smile at the sight and move forward to help her. I'm still a few feet away when I see that Tris has beat me to it. I sigh in frustration and back off.
Tris takes the gun from her and shows her how to part her feet and then hold her gun out, away from her body. Then she fires the gun and it hits the centre of the target. Kate smiles at this and claps for her. The other initiates watching also join the applause. Tris takes a mock bow and hands back the gun.
I look away as she turns around to walk back to us. I turn to Evelyn and ask her. "Do you think they're making any progress?"
"You can say. Some of them have but others are still struggling." She replies.
"Who's still struggling? Give me an example." I say.
"Kate." At that very moment Kate fires her gun and it hits the target.
I smile at this and turn to look at her. Her mouth is hanging open and she's staring at the girl. I feel proud of Kate. She just proved my mother wrong because no one has in a long time.
A boy standing near me, asks for help. "Can you please demonstrate for me?"
I'm about to reply when Tris pipes in. "I'll do that. But on one condition. You have to stand in front of the target and I'll shoot. This will prove how good my aim is too."
I think this over for a second. I don't want the others to think that I'm a coward but I can't trust her. She has a reason to hurt me and I don't plan on dying as yet.
I choose my words carefully. "Thanks. But he asked for a demonstration and that's all I do. We're here to train them not perform for them." With this I position myself, hold the gun away from my body and fire.

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.