I walk to the pit because it's "trainer time." When I walk in all conversation comes to a hault. The faces looking at me aren't important because I find Tris talking to Lauren.
She looks at me and gives me a smile. I refrain myself from doing the same because the Initiates are looking at me. I address them.
"You've completed the first stage of training and are now going to move onto the second. All you've had is physical training. Now it's time to train you, mentally. From now on the Dauntless born will be training seperately from the transfers."
I hated saying this because this means that I wouldn't be able to see Tris during these hours.
The Initiates start moving towards the Simulation room. I hang back and Tris gets the clue so she does too. Once everyone's gone, I close the gap between us and put my arms aound her.
"Hey you." She says.
"Hey." I reply.
"I hate the idea of us no longer training together." She tells me.
I give a small laugh and say. "Tell me about it."
She leans in and kisses me lightly. She sighs and says. "I wish there wasn't all this family tension between us. Things would be so much better that way."
I agree with her. "I know." I pull her into a hug and rest my head against hers, savouring the moment for as long as I can. I don't want it to end but she finally pulls away, saying.
"We should get going."
We both walk to Simulation rooms and then go our seperate ways once we get there.
When I walk in the toughest part of Initiation starts. Evelyn calls the first name and they both go into th room. I lean against the wall while the others sit on benches waiting for their turn.
After some time a voice asks. "What happens to us in there?" I look up to see that it's Emily.
"Wait and see for yourself." I tell her.
But she doesn't drop it. "Does it hurt?" I stare at her in disbelief. I heard of the simulation scaring people but never hurting them.
"No. Why do you ask that?" I ask her.
" 'cause you said that it had something to do with out brains." She says.
I'm saved the pain of having to explain things to Emily when the door opens. Evelyn steps out with the girl heavily leaning on her.
"Tobias you might want to take the next one." She says as she hands me the paper and leads her out.
I look down to see that the next person is...Great! Just great!
"Kate." I call out.
I have Tris now and I love her. When I'm with her I forget about all my problems and it's been so long since I even thought of Kate.
It's not that I want her anymore, it's just that I feel uneasy because I had a crush on this girl a while ago.
I close the door and instruct her to sit on the chair. Shee does with question. I set up the simulation and attach the electrodes to her forhead.
Her eyes start to get heavy and soon she's in the simulation. I take a seat and focus on the screen. It shows her standing in the dining hall and it's packed with people.
She's sitting at a table with Henry, Emily, Zeke and...me.
I watch the screen closely. Henry kisses her and she feels uncomfortable about something. Almost at the same time, Tris walks over and sits down.
My widen in surprise because Kate is staring at Tris and blushing.
What the hell?
Henry notices it too and something must've clicked because abruptly he says. "Oh! Kate you're..."
The simulation ends because Kate wakes up with a gasp. Thank God she's not Divergent.
I can't make any sense of her fear. It's really confusing.
"You okay?" I ask her.
She nods and asks. "Did you see that?" I nod my head in reply.
What she says surprises me. "You can't tell anyone! Promise me!"
I don't know what she's talking about. "Promise."
With this she opens the door and walks out. Almost at the same time everything falls into place.
She was uncomfortable about Henry kissing her because she doesn't want him.
She wants Tris.
Kate's Gay!
I know this is something that no one was expexting but I love Tris too much to put up any competition for her.
So, Kate's way out of league.
This idea came out of nowhere but when it did, I just had to write it down.
I have a request.
If you use Twitter/Instagram/Vine then use #VoteTrisMTV to get her to win best hero! Please do contribute :)
And I'm also really sorry for the late update.

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.