I'm still going over the thought in my head when Marcus stands up and clangs a metal bowl on the table to get everyone's attention. Everyone at my table looks up too.
"There's an important announcement that I'm going to make. So, listen up!" His tone is cold and hard, typical Marcus tone.
"The faction leaders have decided that you're all sensible enough to be allowed to mingled with other factions once in a while. A dance is going to be held..." He's cut off by whoops. When they die down he continues.
"You can ask each other out, go stag or not go at all. It's your choice. All up to you." He pauses for a moment and then adds. "But there are some rules." This makes everyone groan.
"Can you all shut up and listen?!" He's clearly loosing his patience.
"It will be held at Amity because they have large enough farms to accomodate us. Appropriate clothing such as suits and dresses will be provided. But you will have to use your own points to buy them." With this he sits down and the chatter resumes.
I look around my own table. Zeke asked Shauna the minute they announced it. But that's not what catches my attention.
"Do you think you'll want me as your date?" Henry's asking Kate.
She hesitates a liittle. Once a Stiff, always a Stiff. I pray that she'll say no.
But she says. "Sure."
I inwardly groan and turn my attention towards Zeke who's talking about going shopping.
"We have to be the first ones to buy them." He tells me. I sigh and say. "They're all going to be black and same. So what's the rush?"
"Incase they run out, I don't want to disappoint my girl." He goes on to kiss Shauna. I automatically avert my eyes.
"The initiates are finally getting to used to the guns." Tris tries to strike up a conversation. But before I can reply Al walks over to our table.
"Hi!" He says as he sits down on Tris's other side.
"Four." He acknowledges me and I nod my head at him in reply.
"If you're not already taken then do you want to go to the dance with me?" He asks Tris.
"Yeah. I'll go." As soon as she says this, I know that I can't take it anymore.
I leave the dining hall and go to the Pit which is empty right now. I sit down on a slab of rock when I hear footsteps behind me.
It's Zeke.
"Why did you leave?" He asks me.
"I'm just frustrated and..." I break off.
"And what?" He pushes.
After a few minutes I lean forward my elbows on my knees and say. "Lonely."
Zeke sits down next to me and asks. "Why? You have me?"
He's my best friend because of some reasons. One of them is because he makes me speak even about the worst of things. Well except my family.
"Even with you, it's just not the same anymore. You have more important things to do now." I tell him. He leaps to his feet.
"Alright. The first thing that we're going to do is find you a date to the dance."
"No! I'd rather not go." I tell him.
"Come on! You didn't mean that." He says.
"Of course I did. I suck at talking to girls." I explain.
"Then we'll have to work on that too." With this he walks to the dining hall and I follow.
People are leaving now.
I pass Tris when she says. "Thank for the cake." And she gives me a smile too! I nod in reply and follow Zeke to our table where Shauna is talking to one of her friends.
Zeke stops all of a sudden and I walk straight into him. He turns towards me with a silly look on his face.This means that it can't be good.
He puts an arm around my shoulder and motions towards the girl. "That's Nicole. The girl Shauna's talking to. You're going to go out on a date with her and ultimately she's going to be your date to the dance."
Before I can register what he just said, he walks over to them saying. "Hey Nicole! This is my friend Tobias. We're gonna go on a double date, okay?"
Both of them agree at once.
I glare daggers at Zeke but he just gives me an innocent smile in return.
If you've read Four then you would know what I'm talking about.
Nicole is the same girl that Tobias goes on a date with in that book but in this story this is the first time they're introduced to each other.
Also, I'm going to try and update more frequently now :)

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.