[Chapter 19] The Dance.

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The minute my shift in the control room finishes I go back to the apartment. Today's the day of the dance and I finally agreed to go because Zeke really wanted me to and he had brought me a suit.

I run into Evelyn on my way to the room.

"Are you going to the dance?" She asks me.

I stop before her and reply. "I am."

"Who's the unlucky girl?" She asks me.

"I'm...What?! What do you mean unlucky?" I demand.

"I'm just kidding." Evelyn kidding with me? Wow! That's new. "Just be careful that you don't ruin the girl's life."

"That's not going to be a problem. I'm going stag." I tell her.

"Anyways, alone or not. Just have fun, okay? You don't get oppertunities like this often." She says. I don't know if my ears betray me because is my mother giving me advice and telling to have fun?

A smile creeps across my face."Thanks. I will." With this I walk to my room to take a shower.

Once I've showered, I change into the clothes Zeke got me. I put on a black cardigan over my dress shirt and then put on my coat. The boy I see in the mirror cannot be me because I look nothing like my usual self.

Plus, the smile on my face is something that is not often there. 

 I leave Dauntless Headquaters and make my way to the train tracks. Almost all the people are alreay there, so I'm the only one standing here. Soon the tracks start to vibrate, indicating the arrrival of the train.

As soon is starts to rush past me, I jog along it and jump into the carriage right next to me. I stand near the enterance and let the air whip through me. If I close my eyes and forget the rocking of the train, it almost feels as if I'm flying.

When I open my eyes again, I can see the lights of the Amity headquaters up in the distance. Some distance away I brace myself and jump off. I've gotten used to this over the years.

I walk the rest of the way to the field where the events going to be held. The soft music and laughter reaches my ears. I loose myself in the moment.

When I finally reach the enterance I find people in all colours scattered across the field. There is even a dance floor. I can see the Dauntless leaders gathered in one corner. Marcus is among them but Eric's not.

"You made it!" I turn around to find Zeke behind me.

"Yeah. Where's Shauna?" I ask him.

"She stopped to talk to one of her friends." He replies, almost at the same moment she appears behind me saying.

"Hey! Zeke we have to go dance!" With this Shauna pulls Zeke away and I laugh because Zeke's face is screaming 'help me!'

When I look around I find some more familiar faces. Kate and Henry.

They're standing in a loose cluster made of other initiates. Kate is laughing at something and Henry's talking to someone. But what catches my attention is they're hands which are intervined. I sigh and look away.

It's really hard to give up on something I really want. Even though that something is a girl.

A hand grasps my arm and I realize that it's Shauna.

"What happened to Zeke?" I ask him.

"He's dancing with Nicole. You remember her, right?" She asks.

"Of course I do. How can I forget?" Sarcasm clear in my tone.

"Will you dance with me?" She asks.

"But Zeke..." I start but Shauna cuts in. "Zeke's already dancing and besides that you don't have anything better to do." She points out.

"Fine. But just one dance." I tell her.

She leads me to the dance floor and we dance. I'm actually having fun after a long time. It's been so long since the last time I got to do something which made me happy.

When the music stops, Shauna says. "That wasn't all that bad." I smile at her when I feel a tap on mu shoulder. Zeke's glaring at me and ready to kill me.

I at once put my hands up and back away. "She's all yours."

I walk over to refreshment stand and get myself a drink. I don't plan on getting drunk so that I can enjoy all this while I can. So instead I get one of Erudite's fizzy drinks called Coke.

Almost at the same time I spot Eric talking to Max. He's standing some distance away from me and does not glance up at me which means that he has not noticed me. For which I'm glad.

After some time Max goes off to dance with his girlfriend leaving Eric alone. He leans against the fence and a look which is hardly ever seen to his face appears.


I'm glad that he's finally getting to experience it because he surely needed to be taught what's it like to  not have friends all the time.

I take a sip of my Coke and nearly choke on it because of what just happened in front of my eyes.

Tris walked over to Eric.

She said something to him.

Then they both walked to the dance floor.

And they're both dancing!

Jasmine_2003 deserves a dedication because all of her comments mean a lot to me :)

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